*Fifty-One (2013.05)

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In early May, as Kate's pregnancy progressed, Delly spent a weekend with her great-grandparents, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, at their tranquil countryside estate. Delly always looked forward to these visits, finding comfort and joy in the presence of her beloved great-grandparents.

On a beautiful, sun-dappled morning, Prince Philip decided to take Delly on a horse-drawn carriage ride through the picturesque estate. The carriage was ornate and elegant, pulled by a pair of magnificent horses with glossy coats that glistened in the sunlight. Delly climbed into the carriage, her eyes wide with wonder and excitement.

As the carriage rolled along, the scene that unfolded around Delly was truly like a fairytale come to life. The countryside was a picturesque haven of natural beauty, where every element seemed to conspire in a symphony of enchantment.

The lush green fields stretched out endlessly in all directions, a verdant tapestry that seemed to touch the horizon. Wildflowers of every hue burst forth from the earth, creating a vibrant carpet that danced in harmony with the gentle breeze. Delly watched in awe as these wildflowers swayed and bowed gracefully, their vivid colors a testament to the joyous arrival of spring.

The air was infused with the sweet, intoxicating scent of blooming blossoms. Delly closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the fragrant perfume that surrounded her. The aroma was a delicate blend of lilacs, roses, and the heady scent of fresh earth, creating an olfactory symphony that captured the essence of the season.

Overhead, the sky was a brilliant blue canvas, adorned with fluffy white clouds that meandered lazily, casting fleeting shadows upon the landscape below. The warmth of the sun bathed everything in a golden glow, and the world seemed to be bathed in a gentle, ethereal light.

As the winding path led them through a charming forest, Delly's sense of wonder deepened. The trees stood tall and majestic, their leaves forming a verdant canopy that filtered the sunlight into a thousand shards of gold. Dappled patterns of light and shadow danced upon the mossy ground, creating a mesmerizing and ever-changing mosaic.

The forest was alive with the sounds of nature's orchestra. Birds perched on branches high above, their songs a joyful chorus that filled the air with melody. Delly couldn't help but smile as she listened to their cheerful tunes, feeling as though the entire forest was celebrating their carriage ride.

The rhythmic clip-clop of the horses' hooves on the cobblestone path added a soothing, almost hypnotic soundtrack to the enchanting journey. The horses themselves were majestic creatures, their glossy coats gleaming with health and vitality. Their powerful strides carried the carriage forward with a graceful elegance that mirrored the natural beauty all around.

As Delly marveled at the breathtaking scenery, she couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and wonder. The world she was experiencing felt like a dream, a place where magic was real, and every moment was a gift. In that fleeting moment, the worries of the world melted away, and all that remained was the beauty of the countryside and the comforting presence of her great-grandfather, Prince Philip.

But as Delly gazed out at the idyllic scenery, a feeling of sadness began to well up within her. The tranquility of the countryside, while breathtaking, also made her miss her parents terribly. She realized how much she longed to share her discoveries from the science magazines with them, to hear their voices and feel their reassuring hugs.

Tears welled up in Delly's bright blue eyes, and a single tear trickled down her cheek. Prince Philip, noticing her distress, gently asked, "Is something troubling you, Lissybette?"

Delly sniffled and wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. "I miss my mommy and daddy. They're having a baby, and I think they don't love me anymore."

Prince Philip's heart ached for his great-granddaughter, and he leaned down to hold her small hand, his voice soft and comforting. "Oh, Delly, I can assure you that your parents love you very much. Sometimes, when a new baby is on the way, it can be a little overwhelming for everyone. But your love and your place in their hearts are constant and never change."

Philip's words carried not only the wisdom of age but also the weight of his own experiences. He understood the complexities of family dynamics and the challenges that sometimes accompany the arrival of a new child.

As Delly sat beside her great-grandfather in the carriage, she gazed at him with those same wide, curious eyes that had endeared her to the royal family from the moment she was born. She listened intently to his reassurances, her small hand held firmly in his weathered, yet gentle grasp.

"Delly," Prince Philip continued his voice a soothing balm to her troubled heart, "you are our first great-grandchild, and you came into our lives before your parents were married. These times we spend with you are precious beyond measure because they allow us to be together away from the prying eyes of the public."

Delly blinked back her tears, her understanding deepening with each word. She knew that her family's life was often lived in the spotlight, but these moments with her great-grandparents were a sanctuary of privacy and love.

Prince Philip's eyes twinkled with fondness as he spoke. "When your little brother George is born, Delly, from the very moment he arrives, there will be a flurry of public attention. When he is born, he will be carried out of the hospital to a bunch of reporters taking pictures. That has never happened before. People will want to see him, to welcome him into the world, and your family will be in the public eye more than ever."

Delly nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of this newfound knowledge. She began to appreciate the quiet moments she spent with her great-grandparents and her parents even more, knowing that they were a cherished respite from the world's expectations.

Prince Philip's voice grew even softer as he concluded, "You will know how important these early years are to you when you are older, Delly. The love and memories you build now will be the foundation of the strong, loving family you will always have. Your parents adore you, and nothing will ever change that."

Eight years down the line, when Delly and her great-grandpa are separated by something more than the seat handles on the carriage, these memories of riding in the countryside with her great-grandpa did, in fact, become one of her most precious possessions.

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