_*Forty-Two (2012.05)

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The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky as Delly stepped out of her house, her skates in hand. It was a perfect day for skating, with a gentle breeze blowing and the temperature just right - not too hot, not too cold. The trees rustled their leaves softly as she made her way to the skating rink, and birds chirped merrily in the background. As she skated along the path toward the rink, she felt the warmth of the sun on her face and the wind in her hair, and couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and freedom. It was as if the weather was conspiring to make this day perfect for her, to give her the ideal conditions for skating and pursuing her passion. And as she arrived at the rink, she couldn't wait to put on her skates and glide across the ice, feeling the thrill and exhilaration of skating that she loved so much.

As Delly walked inside the skating building, she could feel the excitement building up inside of her. It was the day of the end-of-the-school-year skating club gala, and she had been looking forward to this day for weeks. She had trained so hard for this moment, putting in extra hours of practice every day.


Kate and William stood at the doorway of the living room, watching Delly practice her skating jumps with the yoga rope hanging from the ceiling. Despite the fact that skating was against royal protocol, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy as they watched their daughter spin and twirl with grace and precision.

They exchanged a knowing look, both thinking the same thing: they had to find a way to support Delly's love for skating without risking the disapproval of the public and the palace. As they watched Delly land a perfect jump, a feeling of hope washed over them. Maybe there was a way to make this work after all.

As the day of the end-of-school-year skating club gala approached, Kate and William found themselves eagerly anticipating the event, almost as much as Delly herself. They could see the determination and excitement in their daughter's eyes, and it was contagious.

William and Kate consulted with their advisers and the Royal protocol to find a solution that would allow Delly to pursue her passion for skating without violating any rules. After some discussions, they came up with a plan to allow Delly to skate under an alias, with a different name and identity, so that her activities wouldn't draw too much attention from the media and the public. They also made sure that Delly's coaches and trainers were trustworthy and discreet, and that they would keep her identity secret. This way, Delly could continue to pursue her love for skating, without causing any public disapproval.

They were just about to share this fantastic news with Delly after she finished the gala.

As she made her way to the dressing room, Delly could hear the buzz of excitement all around her. Parents were cheering for their children, friends were hugging each other in anticipation, and the coaches were giving last-minute instructions to their skaters.

Delly's own parents were there too, watching her with pride in their eyes. They had seen how much she loved skating and had finally come to approve of her passion. Delly felt grateful and happy that they were there to support her.

As she took her place on the ice, Delly felt a wave of excitement wash over her. This was her moment to shine, to show everyone what she was capable of, and to demonstrate the power of what Gran-Gran said, "finding the thing you love".

Delly's heart was racing as she stepped onto the ice, the cool breeze against her face, and the sound of her skates cutting through the ice. The rink was filled with other skaters, all dressed up in their costumes and practicing their routines, and Delly felt a sense of camaraderie with them, knowing that they had all put in so much effort to get here.

On the ice, Delly moved with grace and precision, her movements fluid and effortless. She executed an axel jump, her body twisting in the air before landing back on the ice with a soft thud. The audience erupted into applause, but Delly didn't let it distract her. She had more to show them.

She continued her routine, her energy never faltering. The music swelled around her as she spun and jumped, her movements telling a story of love and loss. Delly's face was focused, her eyes never leaving the ice as she executed each move with precision.

Finally, the music came to a climax, and Delly ended her routine with a final flourish, her arms lifted high above her head. The audience erupted into cheers, and Delly couldn't help but smile. She had done it. She had shown everyone what she was capable of, and it felt amazing.

As Delly's performance came to a close, the audience erupted into thunderous applause. Cameras and phones were lifted, eager to capture the moment. Some members of the audience even took videos of the young princess on the ice. The media was also present, and they couldn't help but be impressed by the young skater's skills. The fact that she was the future queen only added to the attention and buzz around her performance. News outlets praised her talent and dedication, and many wondered what other surprises she had in store for the future. 

Skating, it seems, is not a problem at all. Ultimately, protocols are simply in place to present the royals in a more favorable light, and if breaking those rules occasionally could result in better press, why not?

Something like that^



I freaking loved Charlotte's little white dress. ANGEL literally. Kate's pseudo tiara turned out to be really pretty too. Charles and Camilla, are obviously stars of the show. 

Louis, oh Louis. :) What can we say, he's just the cutest. and have you seen the video of them eating s'mores oh gosh. I think Louis loved them so much that he ate his mother's 😂

George performed his first royal duty beautifully. Best boy.

BUT LETS TALK ABOUT LOUISE OKAY, wooohhha she looked so so so beautiful in that flowery dress. chefs kiss <3

My favorite moment was when William kissed Charles on the cheek. And Charles said, thank you William. Like omg, can you imagine what he must have felt. He had two sons, now he only has one. THANK GOD FOR WILLIAM. 

The entire thing was perfection, absolute perfection. (even Anne's feather, the paid actor ahhaahaha😂)

What was your favorite moment?

Also, thank you all for letting me reach 100k views on this book, you are my motivation ❤️❤️


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