*Forty (2011.02)

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The room was cozy with a fire burning in the fireplace and plush couches and chairs surrounding it. Delly sat on the carpeted floor with her small piano in front of her.

"Daddy, mommy, I have a surprise for you!" Delly said excitedly, her curly brown hair bouncing as she turned to face them.

Prince William smiled at his daughter. "We're excited to hear it, Delly. What do you have for us?"

Delly's fingers danced across the keys of her piano as she played "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." When she finished, her mother clapped her hands and said, "That was wonderful, Delly! You're getting better every day."

Delly beamed with pride. "Thank you, mommy! I practice every day after school."

Just then, Delly stood up and announced, "I want to show you my new trick that I learned in skating class!"

Prince William looked interested. "What kind of trick is it, Delly?"

"It's a spin, Daddy!" Delly said, her eyes lighting up.

Kate, however, didn't seem as thrilled. "Adelaide, dear, I don't think that's a good idea. You know that skating is not a sport that is encouraged for girls in our family."

Delly looked disappointed. "But why, mommy? I really like skating!"

Prince William spoke up, his voice firm but gentle. "Kate, let Delly try her spin. I think it's important that we encourage her interests and passions, even if they don't align with royal protocol."

Kate sighed but relented. "Alright, Delly. Show us your spin."

Delly jumped up and demonstrated her spin on the carpeted floor, her arms extended gracefully. She finished with a flourish, looking up at her parents for approval.

Prince William smiled and clapped. "That was fantastic, Delly! You're a natural."

Kate, however, still looked hesitant. "I just don't want her to get hurt, William. We have to consider her safety as well."

Prince William put a comforting hand on Kate's shoulder. "I understand your concerns, Kate. But we have to let Delly explore her interests and passions, even if they don't fit with our family's traditions. That's what being a good parent is all about."

Delly beamed with pride at her father's words, feeling supported and loved. "I love you, mommy and daddy!" she exclaimed, hugging them both tightly.

William presented Kate with a small wrapped box. Kate's eyes widened with excitement as she opened the box to reveal a delicate gold necklace with a heart-shaped pendant.

"Oh, William, it's beautiful!" Kate exclaimed, holding the necklace up to admire it.

"I'm glad you like it, my love," Prince William said, smiling. "The heart represents my love for you, and I hope it will always remind you of how much you mean to me."

Kate leaned in to give Prince William a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, William. It's the perfect Valentine's Day gift."


After the excitement of her piano performance and her spin trick on the carpeted floor, Delly couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't allowed to skate. She had seen other girls her age skating on television, and it looked like so much fun. Why couldn't she try it out for herself?

"Daddy," Delly asked, tugging on Prince William's sleeve. "Why can't I skate?"

Prince William paused for a moment, considering his response. "Well, Delly, skating is not a sport that is traditionally associated with our family. But that doesn't mean that you can't try it out if you're interested."

"But mommy said it's not good," Delly said, looking up at her father with a confused expression.

Prince William sighed. "I know your mother has concerns about your safety, Delly. Skating can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. But if you really want to try it, we can talk to a skating instructor and see if it's something you can do safely."

Delly's face lit up with excitement. "Really, Daddy? That would be amazing!"

Prince William smiled. "Of course, Delly. We want you to explore your interests and passions, even if they're not the same as ours."

Delly hugged her father tightly. "Thank you, Daddy! You're the best!"

Delly sat on the couch, watching her parents share a romantic Valentine's Day dinner. Despite the warm and loving atmosphere, Delly felt a sense of loneliness creeping over her. She had been so excited to show her parents her piano skills and her new skating trick, but the reaction to her skating was not what she had hoped for.

As she sat there, Delly's mind began to race. She couldn't help but wonder why she was only allowed to play the piano and not try out other activities. She felt helpless and unsure of how to voice her feelings to her parents.

"Maybe I'm not good enough," Delly thought to herself. "Maybe I'm not talented enough to try other things like skating."

She couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness and disappointment that washed over her. She wanted to explore other activities and passions, but she didn't know how to express her desires to her parents.

As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, Delly longed for someone to talk to. She felt like she had no one to turn to, no one who would listen to her desires and help her find her way.

Delly's heart was heavy as she sat there, feeling left out and alone. She knew she had a talent for playing the piano, but she couldn't help but wonder if there was more out there for her to explore.

As the night wore on, Delly's feelings of loneliness and helplessness only grew stronger. She couldn't help but feel like she was missing out on something like there was a whole world of activities and passions out there that she wasn't allowed to explore.

Delly's mind wandered to her piano playing. Yes, she was good at it, but was that all there was to her? Did she want to spend her whole life only playing the piano, never trying anything else?

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she needed to talk to her parents. She needed to express her desires and ask for their support in exploring new activities.

But as she thought about it, fear crept into her heart. What if they didn't understand? What if they thought she was being silly or foolish? Delly knew that her parents loved her, but she couldn't help but worry about their reaction to her desires.

Delly's thoughts raced as she contemplated the upcoming marriage of her parents. As the daughter of a future king and queen, she knew that her life was going to change dramatically.

The carefree days of her childhood were coming to an end. With the formalities and responsibilities that came with being a princess, Delly knew that she would have to say goodbye to some of the things she loved.

Skating was just the beginning. As a formal princess, Delly knew that she would be expected to act a certain way, to dress a certain way, and to always be on her best behavior. It was a far cry from the playful and carefree life she had known up until now.

But despite her worries, Delly also felt a sense of excitement. She knew that being a princess came with a lot of privileges and opportunities. She would get to travel, meet new people, and experience things that most people could only dream of.

As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, Delly realized that she had a choice to make. She could either dwell on the things she would have to give up or she could focus on the amazing opportunities that lay ahead.

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