Thirty-Eight (2012.01)

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Delly was excited to start the new year off with a visit to a Jewish community center with her parents. As they walked through the doors, they were greeted with warm smiles from the community members.

As they arrived at the Jewish community center, Delly was immediately fascinated by the colorful decorations and the bustling atmosphere. She held tightly onto her parents' hands as they made their way inside. Delly was excited to learn more about the Jewish culture and traditions.

Once inside, Delly and her parents were warmly greeted by the staff and volunteers. They were shown around the center and introduced to different activities and programs. Delly was especially interested in the music and dance classes, and she was thrilled when she was invited to join in on a traditional Jewish dance.

After the tour, they gathered in a small room where the queen and papa shared stories from the bible. Delly listened intently as they talked about Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, and Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. She was fascinated by the stories and the lessons they taught.

While her parents were talking to the community members, Delly was taken to a children's room where she met other kids her age. They played games and learned about the Jewish traditions, like lighting the menorah and celebrating Hanukkah.

Later that day, Delly returned to the palace with her parents, eager to share what she had learned with the Queen and Philip. They sat with Delly in the drawing room, and the Queen pulled out a beautiful, leather-bound Bible.

"Have you ever read the stories in this book, my dear?" the Queen asked Delly.

Delly shook her head no, intrigued by the book.

"Well, let me tell you a story," the Queen began.

As Delly sat at the Queen's feet, she looked up at her with wide eyes and listened intently as the Queen began to tell a story about God.

"Long ago, there was a man named Abraham," the Queen began. "God spoke to Abraham and told him that he would be the father of many nations."

Delly was fascinated by the story and asked the Queen many questions about God and Abraham. The Queen patiently answered all of Delly's questions and explained to her the importance of faith and belief.

Delly also learned about the concept of prayer and how it was a way to communicate with God. She was fascinated by the idea that she could talk to God whenever she wanted, and the Queen encouraged her to do so.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," the Queen said, her voice soft and gentle.

Delly listened intently, her eyes wide with wonder. "But where is God now, Gran-Gran?" she asked.

The Queen smiled warmly at Delly. "God is always with us, my dear," she said. "In our hearts, and in the world around us. And he loves us very much."

Delly furrowed her brow, thinking. "How can we love God back?" she asked.

The Queen paused, thinking for a moment. "We can love God by being kind to others, and by doing good in the world," she said. "We can also love God by praying and by spending time in quiet reflection, listening to his voice in our hearts."

Delly nodded thoughtfully. "I think I understand, Gran-Gran," she said. "God loves us, and we should love him back by being good and listening to him."

The Queen smiled at Delly, her eyes twinkling with pride. "Exactly right, my dear," she said. "And never forget that God loves you very much, no matter what."

Delly hugged the Queen tightly, feeling a warmth in her heart. She knew that she had found a deep and powerful connection to something greater than herself, and she felt a sense of comfort and joy in that knowledge.

Delly thought God might look like her Gran-Gran, always smiling down at her, but God also looked like a man to Delly. He couldn't possibly look like Grandy Philip, Delly can't imagine God saying the jokes that Philip always says. Delly doesn't know what God looks like, but she knows He loves her. And she felt happy, because she loved Him too.

As the Queen continued to share stories about God, Delly felt a sense of wonder and awe. She realized that there was something much bigger than herself out there and that it was important to believe in something greater than herself.

After their conversation, Delly felt a newfound sense of spiritual love and connection to the world around her. She realized that there was more to life than just what she could see and touch. There was God.

Happy Easter!

Cute and quick chapter before some serious stuff to come!

... wow have you seen the pictures from the royal Easter service today, my God how the kids have grown *happy tears* Charlotte looks so pretty in the little blue dress, George is already looking like a king, and Louis in a suit, looks so grown up 🥺 Hope he behaved during the service and didn't feel bored lol

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