{Yujin} - you're the seventh member of IVE and pass out

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You couldn't help but breathe out a sigh of relief when you heard Yujin announce that it seemed like a good time to take a few-minute break, so you could all catch your breath and drink some water.

You've been working hard from the moment IVE was formed but especially so these days.

You spend a lot of time in the studio and in practice. You love being an idol so far. There's no better feeling than knowing that you and your six members and bringing people happiness with everything you do. Plus, you love performing, and that's easy to see.

However, you're the maknae of the group, and since you're the youngest all of your members try to look out for you as much as they can.

So, on days like today, where you're spending almost the entire day in practice, they feel the need to check up on you as often as possible.

You sat alone as the girls all sat beside each other. You took the hair tie from your wrist and pulled it back to keep it out of your face since you were feeling hot and had sweat running down your body.

Yujin decided to come over and keep you company during these few minutes.

She grabbed her bottle of water and got up to walk over to you. She took a seat beside you and at first, she was smiling. But it quickly faded when she noticed that you seemed off.

"Are you feeling alright?"

You wanted to say yes, despite feeling the complete opposite of alright. You didn't want your members to worry about you and somehow ruin the day. Everything you're doing right now is extremely important for the comeback that's coming very soon and the last thing you want to do is let them all down.

But you couldn't deny how terrible you felt.

It's normal to sweat and feel overheated when you're working so hard for so long, but this felt different somehow.

"Be honest," Yujin said as she stared at you.

"I'm okay." You fibbed and forced a smile. "Just let me have one more minute."

She nodded and watched you unscrew the lid of your water bottle before taking a few more sips before you put the lid back on and took in a shaky breath.

"I'm ready."

She didn't believe you but at the same time, she knows that you're under a lot of pressure. You all are.

She let it go, hoping that you'd begin to feel better as the day went on.

She stood up and tightened her ponytail before walking back to the other girls.

"Okay. Let's pick up where we left off." She said and stood back in front of the mirrors.

But she noticed the members weren't preparing to practice more and their gazes weren't on Yujin or their reflections. They were on you.

Yujin turned around and noticed that you seemed to be looking even more off.

Rei walked to your side, brushing her hand across your shoulder.

"I saw her stand up. She had to sit right back down. It looked like she was unsteady, as if she was feeling faint." Gaeul explained to Yujin.

Yujin walked back to your side and the girls stepped closer as they stared at you in concern.

"I don't feel good." You mumbled.

"What's wrong, y/n?"

"I feel dizzy and nauseous. I'm also feeling flushed. It feels like the room is moving."

"I think we should get you back to the dorm so you can get some rest," Yujin said.

You couldn't argue and just nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Lean against us, we'll help you stand up and go from there."

You stood with Rei and Yujin's help but as soon as you were on your feet, your legs began to feel weak and before you knew it, they gave out on you while everything began to turn black.

Your eyes slipped shut as the girls all began to panic.

You were gently laid on your back while Yujin brushed her hand across your forehead to try and get you to wake up. In a panic, Liz went and got someone from the company to come and help.

You opened your eyes for a few seconds just as someone came to your side to look you over.

"She's overworked." They said. "Probably a little dehydrated and in need of some sleep. I think she needs to go straight home and rest for the remainder of the day and even tomorrow, too."

You whined and wanted to protest, fearing you wouldn't be as prepared as the girls if you missed too much or if you'd somehow let them all down.

"No. Don't even try and argue. I'm taking you back to the dorms and you are going to spend the day in bed."

You just nodded as you looked between her, Rei, and the other girls who all nodded in agreement.

"You know we'll always be here for you. We want what's best for you. You need to take a little time to rest." Wonyoung smiled.

"Okay." You said and stood up with Yujin's help.

You didn't feel faint anymore so you were able to get out to the car and ride back with Yujin.

Once you arrived, she helped you down the hall and to your bed.

"I'll be right back." She smiled and rubbed your shoulder comfortingly before walking out of the room and into the kitchen, where she grabbed you some cold water so you could hydrate.

She returned and made you drink a few sips before she put the glass down on the table and laid her hand on your arm.

"We might be idols but we're also humans, y/n. You have to do what's best for you and your health sometimes. There's nothing wrong with that, especially when you this overworked. These last few months have been so busy and intense and I understand completely why you're so exhausted and under so much pressure. We all are and we all understand. Just know that you've got six older sisters that love and care for you so very much. We'll always be here for you and support you. No matter what."

"Thank you, Yujin. I needed to hear that."

"No problem. Now, is there anything I can do? I have to get back to practice but I think we're all going to cut everything short and call it a day in about an hour or two, so we can all take a little time to rest so this doesn't happen again."

"That's a good idea and no, I'm okay. I'm going to sleep."

"Okay. Sleep tight." Yujin said before giving you a hug and tucking you in. "We'll all be home soon so we can take care of you."

"Okay." You smiled and watched her exit the bedroom before you closed your tired eyes, thankful to have such wonderful friends, who are more like sisters to you, in your life through this crazy but exciting journey you all go through together.

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