{Hwasa} - fifth mamamoo member and the girls find out that you're dating

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"Are you sure you don't want to tag along?" Wheein asked as she pulled on her jacket. "It's a nice day. It might just be down the block but I'm sure you'll both enjoy the fresh air."

You and Hwasa shook your heads as you flipped through the tv channels, trying to find something to watch to busy yourself.

"It's okay. I'm not feeling up to going out." You said and faked a yawn, hoping they'd buy it.

"If you're sure. We'll be back soon." Solar said before she, Wheein, and Moonbyul all walked out the door.

Being too tired to do much cooking despite it being a day off for all five of you, they decided they'd go get some food for you all to share.

You couldn't deny that going out and enjoying some fresh air on this warm sunny day does sound nice. However, having some quality time with your girl sounds even better.

It's something you haven't been able to get much of lately due to being so busy with work. You feel very grateful that your work involves being able to be by your girlfriend's side practically all day every day but it's not the one-on-one time you crave with her.

As soon as the door was closed and the girls were out of sight, Hwasa pulled you close.

She put her arms around you and you placed your hand on her shoulders, your bright eyes locked with hers.

"Hi, beautiful girl," she smiled as she began to brush her fingers across your skin.

"Hi, my love."

"I guess we have some alone time together." She said, her smile turning into a smirk just before you put your lips on hers.

She breathed out a soft sigh against your lips as her hands traveled across your body, moving to rest on your hips.

"I've missed you so much." She said as she tried to pull you closer, her clothed chest now so close to yours that you could feel her heart beating against yours.

You repeated the words back to her as she deepened the kiss, fingers roaming all across each other's bodies.

Soon, you were pushing at her shoulders, causing her to fall back onto the sofa and pull you down with her. You hovered over her, your lips moving against hers deeply as you slipped your fingers beneath her shirt to caress her skin.

"Your skin is so soft." You whispered against her neck as you kissed it softly. "And you smell good."

She smiled a little as she basked in the complete bliss you brought her as you kissed her skin and brushed your nose softly against it, allowing the smell of her perfume to fill your lungs.

She couldn't resist the need to feel your lips on hers again and she didn't hesitate to cup your cheek and pull you in for another passionate kiss.

You got so caught up in the kiss and it only seemed to cause your makeout session to get steamier and made you want to pull each other closer.

But you weren't going to have the chance to do that.

Because, since you were so lost in each other, you hadn't realized that the girls had returned because Wheein had forgotten her phone, and you'd been caught.

It was only when the door opened and the girls gasped that you and Hwasa realized that someone was inside.

You sat up against the sofa and Hwasa did the same, nervously brushing a lock of her short hair behind her ear.

"What's happening?" Moonbyul asked.

"Were you two just making out?" Solar wondered with big eyes.

This is not how you and Hwasa thought you'd reveal your relationship.

You've only been together for about two and a half months and you thought you'd wait for a couple more before telling the girls, just to be sure that you were serious about this.

But the more time you spend together, the more you realize that this is serious. Despite only being together for a couple of months, you've known each other for years, and you've felt that spark from day one.

You only just confessed your love for each other recently.

But that's what it is for you both - love.

And that's all you feel when you look at each other.

So, you stared at each other for a few seconds before she pulled you into her arms and wrapped her fingers around yours.

"Yes." You answered together. "We were... because we're dating."

"You're dating?" Wheein gasped. "How long has this been happening for?"

"A couple of months," Hwasa said as you put your head on her shoulder, laying her cheek against it.

"Oh, that's sweet!" Solar grinned.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Wheein wondered.

"Because we just wanted to see where things went." You said before looking back at Hwasa. "But we know that we're serious."

"We're happy for you!" Moonbyul said as she and the girls rushed to you, throwing their arms around you both.

You happily hugged them back, so grateful that you've got such wonderful and supportive friends and an amazing girlfriend, too.

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