{Yuna} you're the sixth member of ITZY and get injured on stage

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Standing on stage, you stared out at the thousands of fans in the crowd who were holding up their light ring and cheering for all six of you at the top of their lungs.

Every time you stand on stage and perform, you're always reminded of how lucky you are that your dreams have come true.

This is all you have ever wanted.

When you were younger and dreamt of your future, you dreamt of these exact moments, and you feel so grateful for every single fan out in the crowd who has made your dream, as well as your five best friends' dreams, come true as well.

You jumped when you felt Ryujin come up behind you, one of her arms wrapping around you as you sang and waved to fans together.

Moving on to the next song, sorry not sorry, you all stood around each other, following along to the choreography that you know by heart at this point.

But as you sang and danced, something came flying on stage and you hadn't noticed that it landed by your feet.

When you moved your foot a certain way with the choreography, you ended up tripping on what had been tossed on stage, causing you to injure your ankle as you fell on the stage.

Immediately, the girls were by your side, the song now being the last thing on their minds.

"Y/N! What happened? Are you okay?" Lia asked and you shook your head, feeling intense pain in your ankle.

The thing you had slipped on had been a small plushie, something someone tossed on stage without a second thought.

No one could've guessed that you'd injure yourself on it but it was a shocking and scary sight for everyone that witnessed the moment.

"My ankle hurts." You winced and Yeji looked at it as Chaeryeong called for a comedic.

As the maknae of the group, the girls are especially protective of you, and in times like these, it shows most.

A medic came up and quickly helped you backstage.

Knowing that they had to continue but didn't want you to be alone, Yuna was quick to say she'd go backstage for a moment to see how you were as the girls continued performing the song.

"Is she okay?" Yuna asked as she sat down beside you on the sofa in the dressing room, the medic looking over your ankle.

"She will be. It's a sprain." The medic explained.

"This is just what I need right now." You groaned and Yuna put her hand on your shoulder, a sad look on her face.

"You need to take it easy."

"No, what I need is to get back on stage." You said. "Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

"No, y/n, don't," Yuna said as she made you sit back down as soon as you began getting up. "You're going to rest while we finish the show."

"That's not fair," you mumbled sadly.

"I know but we don't want you to hurt yourself even worse. Please, just lay here and relax. We'll go from there after the show is over."

You didn't want to but you agreed to sit out for the rest of the show.

Yuna grabbed a blanket and covered you up with it as you laid down.

"Good luck out there. Tell MIDZY I love them."

"You got it." She grinned. "Rest up. See you in a bit."

She hurried out of the dressing room and back on stage as you curled up with the blanket, hoping to feel better soon so you can be back out there with your best friends.

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