{Minho} - squeeze my hands - part one - Stray Kids ninth member

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"That's it, Y/N. You're doing a great job." Minho encouraged as he rubbed your back as you knelt on the floor.

Groans of agony keep falling from your lips as you try to breathe and focus on Minho through the intense pain.

"It's almost over." He said as he continued to rub your back. "You're doing amazing."

It felt like an eternity before it finally came to an end and the pain finally faded away, though you knew it wouldn't be long before it returned.

You looked at Minho as you breathed out a little sigh of relief.

You moved closer to him and tried to find the comfort that only he can bring you that you need now more than ever.

"It's okay." He whispered as he held you close. "I've got you, baby."

He knows how hard this has been for you.

You both knew the day that you found out that you were pregnant that this wouldn't be easy.

Bringing a human into the world is a long and painful process and he knew that you'd need him through it all.

He was happy to be here for you, as he's always been.

In the moments that you're not in agonizing pain, he has a moment to hold you and think of how far you've come together.

Being the only female member of Stray Kids,  from day one he has been protective of you.

He was protective of you in the beginning as your friend and then, the more time you spent together and the more you got to know each other, feelings blossomed and he quickly became protective of you as your boyfriend.

He was extremely protective when the world found out about your relationship, when people filled the comments of different articles and your socials about how things wouldn't work because you're both in the same group and it was going to end disastrously.

But you proved those people wrong as your relationship got stronger and then, one day, he proposed.

You got married and not long after, you found out you were pregnant.

And if everyone thought that he couldn't be more protective, he truly did just that.

Because until you physically couldn't, you continued to do everything with the boys.

But then, you got too heavily pregnant and had no choice but to go on hiatus and even though he didn't have to do the same, he did so he could take care of you.

And now, here you are, about to bring the little human that you two made out of pure love and adoration for each other into the world.

And he's never been more proud of you or more amazed by you.

"Minho?" You spoke, interrupting his thoughts.

"Yeah, baby?"

"I feel a little sick." You said as you pulled away from the hug.

His hand brushed across your back again.

It was expected to be in this much pain and to feel this sick but it broke his heart.

"It's okay. If you're going to be sick, just let me know. I'm here." He said.

You went to speak, wanting to tell him that the nausea was fading away just a tiny bit, only to groan as the pain returned.

"Minho," You whined.

"Shh, it's okay." He comforted you as he took your hands into his. "Squeeze my hands, baby. Squeeze them as tight as you need to. It's alright."

"I might break them." You warned.

He just chuckled and brushed his thumbs across your knuckles.

"That's alright. If you do, then it's worth it. Whatever helps you."

He wanted to crack some jokes and try to make you smile a little.

But you were too far gone, too deep into labor for that to happen.

So he'd comfort you and give you loving words and kisses instead.

"Just breathe."

"I can't." You whimpered.

"You can. I know you can. You're doing a great job, I'm so proud of you." He said as he felt you squeeze a little tighter. "Good girl, that's it."

You let out a shaky breath a few seconds later as it faded away again, although only momentarily.

You lifted your head and gazed into his eyes.

He let your hands go, just temporarily, so he could kiss your forehead and brush a lock of hair behind your ear.

He looked at the time and saw that it was almost eight in the evening.

The sun had set, it was almost ten hours since this first began, since the pain first hit.

And he knows it'll be some time before it ends and before your baby is ready to be born.

"I'm proud of you." He whispered as he looked back at you. "I'm amazed by you, baby. You're like superwoman."

"I don't feel like superwoman." You chuckled. "I feel like I'm dying."

"You're not though. It's going to end soon, I promise. It's going to be so worth it too."

"Yeah." You smiled a little. "I hope it's not much longer."

"Me too. I hate seeing you in pain and I can't wait to meet them. Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

You thought about it for a second.

Though you agreed to wait until they were born to find out, Minho has always had the feeling that you'd be having a little boy.

"Girl." You said.

"I still think it's a big." He said as he brushed his hand across your bump.

"Great. I've spent the last several years around eight boys, married one of those boys, and now we might be having a boy. It doesn't end."

He laughed and kissed your forehead again.

His phone chimed.

"I'm gonna check it. It's probably the boys. But if you feel the pain start again, let me know." He said before reaching for his phone.

"Who is it?"

"Just the boys going back and forth in the group chat, talking about the time they think the baby will be born and what they think it'll be."

He prepared to text them back, only for you to groan as the pain came back again.

"Minho, it's back."

He put his phone down and immediately grabbed your hands.

"Squeeze with all of your might. You've got it, baby. You're doing great."

You could hardly handle it.

It was so intense that it made a little scream leave your lips.

But Minho wasn't fazed.

He just let you squeeze his hands and kept encouraging you.

"That's my girl. Let it out and keep squeezing. You're doing fantastic, baby."

Finally, it ended a moment later, and you put your head on his shoulder with an exhausted breath.

"Good girl." He said as he rubbed your back. "It's not going to be much longer now. The pains are getting closer together. It's almost over."

You could only hope.

But you knew that every step of the way that remained, he was going to be right there with you.

As he always was and always will be.

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