{Hyunjin - Loona} - you're the thirteenth member of Loona and you get injured

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"This is going to be one of the best comebacks we've ever had!" Heejin excitedly squealed as she finished tying her hair up.

Today is the first day of practice for the upcoming comeback.

It's always a memorable but stressful time.

One where you, and the girls, always tend to feel the most on edge and stressed because you feel the pressure from everything coming up.

But this comeback is different.

The album is completed and the songs on it are some of your absolute favorites yet.

The girls all feel the same so although there's still a lot of weight on all of your shoulders due to the expectations placed on you, you're feeling more joyous about this comeback than anything else.

"I can't wait!" You said as a smile pulled at your lips.

"Well, let's not wait. Let's start!" Vivi said.

Taking your position, you took in a deep breath.

As the song started, you thought back to all of the moves that you had memorized.

You always pick up on the choreography quite fast and you take a lot of pride in that, as well as your passion for music and dancing.

You remembered everything and started off flawlessly, enjoying every single second of dancing to the music and doing so with your best friends.

You got so into it that all of the weight left your shoulders. You let loose, moving to every beat that you knew like the back of your hand.

However, something happened that changed everything.

It took away all of the happiness and enjoyment that you felt within only a split second and as you fell onto the floor wincing in pain, your joy was replaced with worry and fear.

The pain in your ankle was intense.

You immediately knew that you sprained it, as this isn't the first time that you've done so.

The music stopped and the girls all focused on you.

"Y/N? What happened? Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked as she knelt down beside you.

"I hurt my ankle!" You said as you groaned in pain.

"I'll go get someone!" Chuu said before she rushed out of the room.

"It's okay, Y/N," Haseul said as she put her hand on your shoulder.

"No, it isn't!" You snapped. "This couldn't have happened at a worse time. Everything's so close and I screwed up!"

The girls, at first, had been taken aback by you snapping.

However, they understood and were quick to comfort you.

It didn't take long for Chuu to return with someone following her.

Just as you assumed, one examination of your ankle proved that you had sprained it.

"You need to get back home and rest," Gowon said.

"Yeah, come on, babe. I'll ride with you." Hyunjin spoke softly as you put her hand on yours.

She always steps up to help you in any possible way before anyone else gets the chance.

The girls tease you all the time that there's a reason for that and there's something between you that neither of you will confess about.

But right now, none of that is crossing anyone's mind.

You just need some comfort and for someone to help you get settled back at home for a bit, that's all they could think about.

You, however, found immense comfort in the touch of Hyunjin's hand.

She's always there to hold it when she gets the chance and more than ever, you need that right now.

You stood up and she was quick to put one arm around you while Olivia was quick to put one of her around you, too.

They were all trying to make sure that you didn't walk on your ankle, so they helped you out of the building and into the car.

"We'll be home later tonight and we'll all come over to see you," Olivia promised. "You'll be okay?"

You nodded.

"Hyunjin, stay with her for a while," Choerry said as she suddenly came out to the car. "Just so she's not alone."

Hyunjin was happy to agree to that.

So she promised that she would before taking off.

The car ride was long and although Hyunjin spoke to you, you stayed quiet for the most part.

Your mind was wandering. The excitement and joy you felt before about the comeback was all fading away.

You worried that you may not even be able to participate in this comeback altogether, which was a scary and saddening thought.

When you arrived at the building, instead of helping you inside by letting you hold onto her as you walked, Hyunjin just picked you up and carried you in.

"Stay here." She said as she placed you on your bed after entering your place.

She got you some ice for your ankle and when returning, she helped you get comfortable before putting it on your ankle.

You winced at first but felt a little relief as Hyunjin gently kept it there.

She also got comfortable next to you and turned the tv on, making sure that your favorite show was playing.

"Tell me what's going on in your busy brain." She said as she gently brushed her fingers across your cheek.

"I'm just scared. Who knows how long this sprain may last."

"It seems minor, it should just be a couple of weeks." She comforted.

"But that's a couple of weeks of time that I can't practice! Which means I let everyone down, including me, and you too."

"What? You could never let me down." She said. "Look, I know we're all under a lot of pressure right now but our health and well-being come first. We all know that, including you."

"I know you're right. I just feel the pressure of it all now."

"It'll still be a few weeks. I'm sure they'll let you catch up when your ankle heals. It'll be fine, I promise." She said as she caressed your cheek, her big brown eyes gazing into yours.

You put your head on her shoulder and breathed out a long, heavy sigh.

"We've all got your back."

Things went quiet for a moment before you spoke again.



"Can you stay here until I get better? I mean, not during the day, of course. You still have to practice. But at night, will you come to my place instead of yours?"

"Absolutely." She answered. "I'll be here for you. You'll be better and back in practice before you know it."

You hoped she was right.

But, regardless, knowing that you'd have her to lean on while you recover means everything to you.

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