{Seeun} - you're the seventh member of StayC and show up late to practice

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"Where's Y/N? Why isn't she here yet?" Sieun asked as she sat on the hardwood floor in the practice room, all of the other girls sitting around her.

"I don't know. She said she had a hard night and didn't get much sleep so she was going to walk here from the dorm. I thought she'd be here by now though since she was up and getting ready when we left." Seeun said as she reached for her phone in the front pocket of her sweats.

"Do you think she's okay?" J asked and it was easy to see the nervous look in her eyes.

The girls were all feeling the same.

They all felt so nervous, wondering where you could be and if you were safe and sound.

"Maybe she fell back asleep," Isa suggested and it was clear to see that they were all hoping that was the case.

Seeun bit her lip nervously, unable to shake the anxiety she felt.

You, Yoon, and Seeun all share a room in the dorm and they knew you'd had a hard night. Sleep just didn't come easily last night, despite spending several hours in practice, just as you're supposed to today.

However, for you to just crawl back into bed just was so unlike you, even though you're exhausted.

You always show up. You're passionate about what you do. It's always worth the lack of sleep and the blood, sweat, and tears you put into being an idol.

For you to be late is unusual and worrisome.

"I'm going to call her," Seeun said before she tapped on your contact and pressed her phone against her ear as it began to ring.

But just as it did, you walked through the door, and Seeun was so relieved that her phone slipped out of her hands.

"Y/N!" Yoon sighed in relief.

"Oh, y/n, there you are. We were so worried about you!" Sumin said as they all gazed at you.

Your back was facing them.

You stood still, facing the doors as you kept the hood of your comfortable sweater over your head.

"Y/N?" Seeun quietly spoke as she walked to you.

Gently turning you around, she gasped upon seeing your busted lip and black eye.

"Oh, y/n, what happened?" She asked as the girls all stood up to rush to you.

"I'll get some ice!" Isa said before rushing out of the room to grab you some ice for your eye and your lip.

"Here, sit down," J instructed as she grabbed a chair for you.

She and Sumin helped you sit down as Isa returned.

Seeun held the ice against your lip and the whimper of pain that you let out broke the girls' hearts.

"A couple of people recognized me on the way here."

"They hurt you? Why would they do that?" Yoon asked as she looked between the girls in shock and disbelief.

"Probably antis or sasaengs." Sieun sighed.

"We need to tell the staff about this. We can't let them just get away with this." Seeun said as she switched hands, her other one cold from the ice against her fingertips.

"We will in a few. Right now we need to comfort y/n." Isa said before she put her cheek on your shoulder.

The girls all hugged you, letting you lean against them to let out any tears that needed to fall due to the pain and the fear you felt.

"It's okay, y/n. We're here." J soothed as she rubbed your back.

"We've got you. It'll be okay." Seeun softly spoke in your ear, her lips brushing against your head comfortingly.

"I can't believe someone would do this. How much hate can one person's heart be full of to do something like this?" She wondered as she shook her head.

Seeun pulled the ice away from your lip, letting you have a break from the cold.

The pain was still intense.

Seeun brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, her thumb accidentally brushing against a bruise that was on your cheek that was starting to appear.

"Ow," you winced.

"I'm sorry!" She quickly said before brushing her fingertips across your arm soothingly. "Whoever did this to you will be facing serious consequences." She said as she clenched her teeth.

Although of the girls were feeling a mix of emotions - ranging from shock to disappointment - Seeun felt angry over anything else.

She was practically seething every time she thought about whoever it was that harmed you.

"They're not getting away with this." She mumbled. "You saw their faces."

You nodded and Sumin gave your shoulder a comforting squeeze as you noticeably trembled a little.

"We'll be there by your side when you tell the company about what happened," Isa promised.

"Yeah, and we won't let anyone hurt you again," Sieun promised.

"We're all here for you." Seeun smiled a little as she intertwined her fingers with yours.

You squeezed her hand, sending her a little smile back.

And although they knew you had to go and tell the company what happened, it was clear that you needed another moment to compose yourself because you were, understandably, shaken up from everything.

So they all held onto you, swearing to you that everything would be okay.

Whoever did this to you would be facing very serious consequences, that was for certain.

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