{Lia} - you get injured during a performance - ITZY sixth member

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As you and the girls finished singing dalla dalla, the fans screamed at the top of their lungs when the lights went out momentarily.

When they came back up, Yeji spoke into the mic while you and the other members took a moment to sip on some water and wipe the sweat off your bodies with a couple of towels.

"MIDZY!" She excitedly yelled. "Are you all enjoying the show so far?"

The fans cheered in response and after you took a few sips of water through the straw, you took a second to interact with a few of them by waving and blowing kisses to them.

"We're so happy to hear that you're having fun because so are we!" Yeji beamed with joy. "Ready for the next song?"

You helped Yuna by brushing the towel across her back, just as she asked you to due to how uncomfortable she felt with the sweat on her skin and how much she needed to cool down.

"Okay, so we are!" Yeji said before the lights went down once more, coming back up when the intro to swipe began.

Since it's one of your favorites out of the entire discography you all have so far, your excitement to perform this song was indescribable.

The smile on your face from the second the song started never once faded as you performed, even in the parts where you should've been more serious.

Of course, this is far from your first live show.

You're used to the chaos that can come along with touring and performing, whether that be when you travel or when you're at a show.

That chaos can come in many forms but the one that makes you feel nervous about most is people throwing things on stage.

You know it's something a lot of groups experience because fans love bringing gifts to the shows and tossing them up on the stage for you all to collect later.

But there are times when that goes wrong.

And tonight would be one of those times.

The song was just about to end as someone tossed something towards you on the stage, hitting you directly in your left eye as they did so.

"Ow!" You yelled out in pain and covered your eye as the pain hit.

"What happened?" Ryujin asked as she placed her hand on your shoulder.

"Someone tossed something on stage and hit my eye. It hurts."

"Let me see," Lia said and you pulled your hand, barely able to see out of your eye due to how blurry your vision was.

Although you know other idols have dealt with far worse injuries on stage, this injury isn't easy to deal with.

You could power through the pain but it's more so the blurred vision that's causing the most problems.

Right now, you're depending solely on your right eye since you can hardly see out of your left one and it's making you feel overwhelmed.

Rubbing the corner of your eye to try and relieve the blurriness, only caused your eye to sting and you winced over it.

"Can you see?" Yuna asked.

"Everything's blurry. I can't focus." You said. "It stings."

"Okay, let's get you backstage," Lia said as she passed her mic and yours off to one of the staff members.

She placed her hand on the small of your back before guiding you backstage.

Knowing that you'd need a few minutes to recover, if not the entire remainder of the show, the girls stared out at the crowd and began to explain to them what had happened.

"It's going to be a little while before Y/N can join us again. Someone threw something that hit her in the eye and she's struggling to see and focus." Yuna explained.

"I know some of you bring stuff to the shows and it doesn't seem like it would be hazardous to toss the stuff on stage but you're wrong about that. It's a safety risk for all of us. Please do not throw things at us. As you can tell, it can end badly and be painful." Yeji said.

"We love you all. We appreciate all you do for us and we love your gifts, we truly do. But to perform for you all, we have to be at our very best. We have to feel one-hundred percent and that's hard to do when we're hurt, especially when hit in the eye." Chaeryeong spoke as she looked back to see if you or Lia had come back out yet.

As the girls gave a speech to the fans about the dangers of throwing things on stage, Lia was guiding you to the dressing room with a medic and staff member behind you.

"Okay, let me see your eye," the medic said and as you pulled your hand off of it once more, you groaned over how blurred everything was. "It's very red."

"It burns." You groaned.

"I'm not surprised. You were hit hard. Can you see well out of your right eye?"

You shook your head and he sighed.

"I'm going to get a small compress to put over your eye. While I'm gone, don't apply any pressure and try not to rub it or touch it. I know it's sore and it's hard to see but I'll be back in just a second."

"The lights are bothering me." You told Lia as your eyes became sensitive to the light. "How am I going to finish this show?"

"You're not." She said. "You're going to focus on making sure your eye is alright and maybe you'll feel better tomorrow to perform at the next show."

"But the fans are looking forward to me performing and the girls and you need me."

"We'll be okay." She promised as she rubbed your shoulder. "We'll miss you up there, of course. But we'll pull through. As for the fans, they'll understand. They only want the best for you, as do the five of us."

You felt hesitant and guilty but Lia wasn't giving you any choice but to say yes.

"Darling," She said as she took your hand and held it tight. "There's no shame in taking tonight off to recover. It's what you need to do. We love you. We want the best for you. Rest your eyes and feel better."

"Okay. Love you too." You said, caving in and agreeing.

When the medic came back with a cold compress, Lia kissed your cheek softly and sent you a sweet smile before leaving the room to head back out on stage.

She left you feeling butterflies in your chest despite the burning in your eye and you could only hope that you'd be doing better for tomorrow.

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