{Jisung} - the public finds out about your relationship - SKZ ninth member

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When you opened your eyes you couldn't seem to hold back the grin on your face as you realized that you had fallen asleep in your boyfriend's bed and embrace.

You lifted your head from his chest to stare up at him and saw that he was already gazing back at you.

You watched as a smile pulled at his lips before he leaned in to kiss you lovingly.

"Sleep well?" He asked.

"Yeah." You said with a contented sigh as you put your head back on his chest. "Your arms are so warm. I wish I could stay in them forever."

"I'd be happy with that." He said.

You gazed back into his soft brown eyes and the desire to share another sweet kiss was intense.

He leaned in to put his lips on yours when the door to the room suddenly swung open.

Chan was standing there and he looked almost panicked.

You quickly sat up and stared at him in concern.

"What is it?"

"Someone took pictures of the two of you last night, kissing and holding hands. Your relationship is all over the internet."

That was absolutely terrifying to hear.

You immediately reached for your phone which was on Jisung's nightstand.

You opened Twitter and Jisung was looking at your screen as well, watching as you opened the trending page to see that you were both occupying the first few tags.

How could this happen?

You have both been so careful when it comes to your relationship.

Jisung took you out on a date last night to one of the most romantic spots in the city but he made sure that he paid so you had it to yourselves.

The staff swore up and down that they wouldn't tell anyone and would respect your privacy.

The photos in the tags weren't taken from inside the restaurant and you weren't sharing your meal in them, so it had to be after that they were taken.

It was when you shared a kiss under the night sky on your way back to the dorm.

Your hands were intertwined, your lips were locked, and in the pictures where you weren't kissing you were both smiling from ear to ear.

It was very obvious that you were dating.

And even though you had both looked around before sharing that kiss to be sure that no one was looking, someone must've been hidden and had recognized you and taken pictures before spreading them online.

Either reporters or a fan.

Either way, it was devastating.

You've both done everything you could to stay private.

Sure, you've been part of JYP for so long that your dating ban had been lifted long ago.

But being the only female in a group with eight other guys wasn't always easy and dating your member?

You're sure that a lot of people are going to have a lot of thoughts about that.

You put your phone on the bed as Chan left the room, giving you two some privacy.

Jisung could tell you were overwhelmed so he put his arms around you and rested his chin on your shoulder.

"It's okay, baby."

"It's not okay." You replied. "People are going to have so many opinions about this!"

"So? They don't matter." He said. "Y/N, we knew this was a possibility from day one. It's the life we live. We took the chance and people found out but that doesn't mean anything."

"What if people don't like you as much? Or if we lose fans?"

"If they won't support the group just because we're together then they weren't fans of ours in the first place. Neither were the ones who had me as a bias. I'm just a person like everyone else, I'm going to fall in love. It just so happens that I fell in love with my group member and my best friend."

You smiled a little as he kissed your neck softly.

"Everyone that needs to know has known for a while. The boys, the company, our families and friends. Those are the only ones I care about. You shouldn't care about anyone else's opinion either."

"I just hate that we can't be private now. Everything's changed. People are going to look at us differently and ask us questions in interviews. I liked falling in love with you without the rest of the world knowing. It was nice."

"I did too." He said as he took your hands into his. "But just because people ask us questions doesn't mean we have to answer. The boys will look out for us and make sure that people know their place. we can keep falling in love without the rest of the world watching. Just because our relationship is public now doesn't mean we have to do everything publicly."

"I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled. "And I always will, no matter what anyone else says or thinks."

"Same here. I won't let anyone ruin what we have."

"Me neither, baby." He said softly. "I don't care what anyone says about us, we can make it through whatever comes our way. I'm not afraid at all. I mean, I hate that our privacy was invaded like this. But it doesn't change anything between us. I promise you."

You turned around and buried your face in his neck as he held you close.

"You don't have to worry about anything. We'll have the company put out a statement later and we can still be us, okay? I won't let anything happen."

"I won't either, I promise."

He kissed your head and stared at you adoringly.

You were the best thing to ever happen to him and he wasn't going to let anyone ruin the love and the happiness you share.

And he knows you won't either.

Everything would be fine because, at the end of the day, you have each other, and that's all that matters.

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