{Lia} - take care - ITZY sixth member

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Before you start reading: this chapter contains possibly triggering content revolving around an ED.

I know that's a very sensitive topic for some so I want you to have this warning. If you feel uncomfortable reading, please skip this chapter.

Also, please never ever forget that your author thinks you are beautiful, oh so beautiful, just the way that you are. I love you all and if you ever need anything, I'm only a message away. Lots of love 🤍


"Y/N, maybe you should sit down," Yeji said as she and the girls worriedly watched you.

"I-I'm fine." You said as Yeji and Lia kept you steady as you dizzily swayed on your feet.

Your eyes were closed as the room spun around you, causing you to feel nauseous and unbearably dizzy.

You tried to put your best foot forward despite how terrible you felt because of how much is going on for you and the girls.

But there's a huge secret you've been keeping from your members and from everyone else, a secret that is beginning to get the best of you.

"You're not fine! Sit down before you pass out." Ryujin said with a panicked tone in her voice.

Yeji and Lia gently sat you on the floor and the girls all watched on in fear.

"What's going on? Are you sick?" Chaeryeong asked as she stepped closer to you.

It was easy for the girls to all see how much weight you've lost but they just figured it's due to practicing so much and being so busy.

Moving around so much is, of course, going to make you lose some weight.

But this was much more than losing weight from being so insanely busy.

They've seen certain things but never put two and two together.

Until now.

"I need to lay down." You said and laid back on the floor of the practice room.

Your shirt was riding up your body, exposing just how small you'd become.

It was scary, causing all of their hearts to sink deep into their chests.

Yuna noticed something that she hadn't seen before now.

You've been painting your nails for a while now, due to different comebacks and photoshoots.

But also to hide what was happening to your nails.

The polish had come off today, only different spots of your nails covered in a little paint.

This allowed the girls to see how dry and brittle they were, a couple of them almost looking as if they might fall off.

Your hair was dry, parts of it falling out, but not enough to be noticeable to the girls and the public.

And with all of this, along with how weak you were, the girls began to piece it all together.

"When is the last time that you ate, Y/N?" Lia asked.

You opened your eyes and saw the girls all gazing at you with fear on their faces.

You shrugged your shoulders, unable to remember it.

"You haven't been eating, have you?" Chaeryeong asked.

You shook your head.

"For a while?" Ryujin asked.

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