{Kazuha} - awards shows - Stray Kids ninth member

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Stepping onto the red carpet with the boys, you prepared to be met with the bright flashing lights from all of the photographers lined up and ready to take pictures.

You're feeling a little more anxious than you usually do about tonight's awards show because your relationship was just made public a few days ago.

Someone had seen you and Kazuha kissing and holding hands and since you're both from very popular groups, the photos quickly went viral.

The photos spread across every platform like wildfire and as hard as it was to see such a private part of your lives get posted across the internet against either your' or Kazuha's will for everyone to see, things have been a little easier since both your companies confirmed your relationship.

Not everyone has been supportive or has reacted positively and that's not surprising at all to either of you.

But, regardless of that, you don't have to hide your love for each other any longer and that feels very refreshing.

However, this is your first public appearance since the news was confirmed and you feel a little anxious about it.

But your members are right by your side and being the only girl in the group, they've always made sure to protect you and keep you safe since day one and that's only become more important to them since the news hit.

As expected, as you took your spot on the red carpet between Hyunjin and Seungmin, a lot of people began to throw out questions about your relationship with Kazuha and how you've both been since the news became public.

It was hard to hear everyone trying to interfere in such a private part of your life, into something that means so much to you and has for almost a year now.

But you tried not to let it get to you and it was helpful to have your closest friends right by your side to comfort you and check up on you as everyone tried to get details you didn't want to share.

"Thank you!" Chan said and bowed as you all finished taking photos and then headed inside.

"How are you doing, Y/N?" Minho asked as you all made your way to your seats.

"Fine." You replied. "I never realized how nosey some people are though."

"No kidding." Felix chuckled.

"You've got nothing to worry about. I can imagine it has to be hard to hear people asking about it constantly but we'll always protect you and help you the best we can." Changbin assured.

"Thank you all for protecting me and always being here for me." You said as you all sat down.

"Always." Jeongin smiled.

As more idols began to make their way to their seats, your eyes began to wander as you looked around for your girl.

It didn't take long for you to meet those beautiful brown eyes of hers as she sat a couple of rows to the left with her members and you couldn't help but smile right away.

You waved to her and she happily did the same back before blowing you a kiss, which you happily caught in your hand.

"Oh, boy," Hyunjin said.

"What?" You asked with a hint of worry in your voice.

"Nothing. It's just that, before, when we came to awards shows and she was here, you two couldn't flirt." Seungmin said.

"But now that your relationship is public, we know what you two will be doing during the show." Jisung teased, making you shake your head with a laugh.

"You know we will. Nothing is holding us back from flirting in public now. Why wouldn't we take the opportunity to do so?" You asked with a smile.

The show started a little while later and as much as you love these shows as well as supporting everyone there, you couldn't help but look over at Kazuha.

She looked so breathtaking in the red dress she had on.

You swear that you haven't ever seen anyone so beautiful.

It was hard to stay focused on the show when your heart was about to beat out of your chest.

Knowing that you and the boys were nominated for some huge awards tonight, you tried so hard to keep your focus each time it got to a category, just in case they said it was the nine of you who won.

But you could feel her eyes on you and you kept looking back over at her to blow her kisses, send her a wink, and make little hearts for her.

"You look so pretty tonight." She mouthed.

"You look prettier." You mouthed back, making her smile from ear to ear.

"Can you stop flirting for two seconds?" Minho asked.

"I can't help it!" You giggled.

Minho rolled his eyes at you but cracked a smile after because he couldn't deny that he, just like the other boys, was so happy to see you so happy and so in love and that you didn't have to hide it.

The show went by fast tonight but it was by far your favorite one you've ever gone to.

Stray Kids won a few awards while Le Sserafim won a few as well, making the night even better.

When it was over, you were pulled into conversation with Changbin and Felix.

But you looked over to where Kazuha was sitting and saw that she was already running to you.

Happily, you opened your arms for her and she laughed as she threw hers around your neck when she was finally close to you.

You put your arms around her and squeezed her tightly as you both smiled from ear to ear, feeling as though your hearts were the fullest they'd ever felt from so much love and happiness.

"I'm so proud of you!" You said as you looked into her eyes. "Congratulations to you and the girls on your successes tonight!"

"Thank you, my love. Same to you and the boys!" She said.

And, for the very first time since your relationship was confirmed, she put her lips on yours to pull you in for a soft kiss.

Other idols and some fans were looking on along with your members and hers, all of them unable to hide how cute they thought you two were together as photos were taken and everyone watched with bright eyes.

To see you and Kazuha, two very popular female idols, so in love and so proud to show that off to the world, was too cute for words.

"You look gorgeous." You said as you pulled away from the kiss a moment later. "You always do, but this dress looks so good on you, baby."

"Thank you." She smiled. "You look breathtakingly beautiful, darling. I'm so proud to be yours and so proud to call you mine."

"Me too." You spoke before kissing her again, so in love and so happy that the world knows that.

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