{Yeji} - when the vlive doesn't actually get turned off - itzy sixth member

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"Should we answer two more questions and then turn it off?" Yeji asked as she looked from the screen of the phone and over to you.

You've spent the last hour or so doing a vlive together.

It's the first one you've done together in quite a while.

You tend to do a lot of them on your own, trying to find ways to stay connected to midzy as much as you possibly can to let them know how much all six of you love and appreciate them.

But it was nice to do one with your members, especially Yeji, with who you're very close for more reasons than one.

"Okay." You agreed as you looked at Yeji, your eyes filling with stars as you noticed hers were the same.

You laid your cheek on her shoulder and read through the questions together that were appearing quickly.

It was hard to keep up with them all as there are so many excited fans who are watching and leaving comment after comment.

But you managed to catch one question while Yeji spotted another.

They were oh so kind.

The one you saw was simply asking if all five of you are taking good care of yourselves by sleeping well, eating enough, drinking enough water, and taking a little time for yourselves when needed, which you and Yeji answered yes to very quickly.

The one Yeji got was more relating to another one of these vlive's soon.

"Will you come back and do another vlive together soon?" Yeji read aloud.

"Yes. Absolutely. We will find the time."

It took everything in Yeji to not stare at you in the adoring way she always does, afraid that people might get suspicious as to why she struggles to take her eyes off of you.

"Maybe we'll do an ot6 one soon. We'll see if the other members can join next time." You suggested and Yeji nodded in agreement.

As much as she enjoys talking to fans, she was starting to feel the long day catch up to her.

She wanted to lay down and pull you into her arms to cuddle you while she falls asleep.

"I think we should go. We have an early morning ahead." Yeji said.

"Okay. Goodnight, midzy!" You said and lifted your head from her shoulder to wave to the camera and blow some kisses to the fans watching.

Yeji reached over and stopped the vlive... or, so she thought.

You laid down against the pillows, yawning quietly as Yeji pulled the blanket from the foot of her bed up to your shoulders.

"I should go back to my room."

"No," she whined and pulled you into her arms as you attempted to get out of her bed. "You shouldn't. You should stay here with me for the night."

She kissed your shoulder softly as she laid back down, gently pushing your head onto her chest.

You let out a sweet giggle against her skin before you closed your eyes and breathed in the smell of her perfume that lingered on her hoodie that she was wearing.

"Are you okay? I know it's been a long week with everything going on and today was especially busy. How do you feel?"

You couldn't help but smile. That's one of the many things you love about her; she always checks up on you, as well as the other members, because she cares about all five of you so very much, although she cares about you in a different way than she does the others.

"Yeah. I'm fine. You're doing good, too?"

"Yeah. I'm so great. I'm very happy, especially right now." She said as she stared into your eyes and twirled your hair around her fingers.

You love sharing these sweet moments with her.

You thought they'd stay between the two of you and only the two of you.

But you were both completely unaware that when Yeji went to turn off the vlive, she hadn't actually turned it off and millions of people were now watching these moments you're sharing.

"We should get some sleep." You said. "We only have a few hours until we have to get up."

"Okay." She agreed and held you a little tighter. "Goodnight, sweet girl."

The world was definitely going to be talking about this night tomorrow, especially this moment right now, as Yeji gave you a peck on your lips.

Yeji turned off the light and pulled you closer and as you drifted off to sleep together, the world watched every second and began to talk about it everywhere as the screenshots and videos people screen recorded spread like wildfire.

It was bound to be a crazy morning, that much was certain.

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