{Yeji} - cheater - ITZY sixth member

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You quietly closed the door behind you as you entered the dorm.

It's almost two in the morning and while the girls got home a few hours ago, you stayed a little later in the studio to meet with JYP.

Soon, you'll be having another comeback and you want to be more involved than ever before.

The difference between this upcoming comeback and all of the ones before?

You're dating your best friend, which has made you happier than ever and has given you so much inspiration to write some cute lyrics dedicated to her.

And JYP loved the lyrics so much that he asked you to not only participate in writing the rest of the song but others that will be on the album as well.

It's more work to take on, which means busier days and longer nights.

But it'll be so worth it.

As long as you have time to spend with Yeji and the girls, you'll be happy.

But for now, all you want is to get some rest.

You only have a few hours before you have to be at the studio again, which doesn't give you much sleep but it'll do for now.

Knowing that Yeji had to be asleep by now, you decided to just go to the dorm room that you and Ryujin share.

You quietly walked upstairs and went past all the rooms before reaching yours and Ryujin's.

You entered, quietly closing the door behind you, thinking that she was in there and sound asleep already.

But to your surprise, her lamp had been turned on and her bed was empty.

You opened the door and peeked outside, wondering where she could be.

You just worry about her, as you do with all of the girls.

You were about to brush it off, thinking she had been hanging out with the girls and just fell asleep in another room.

But across the hall was Yeji and Chaeryeong's room and while you didn't hear Chaeryeong, you did hear Yeji and Ryujin.

Padding across the floor, you put your hand on the knob to turn it and just peek inside.

You thought they were just hanging out and you'd give Yeji a quick kiss and say goodnight to Ryujin.

But, to your shock, Ryujin was laying on your girlfriend's bed with your girlfriend hovering over her.

Your gasp of surprise made them pull away.

"Y/N," Yeji quietly spoke before she and Ryujin shared a look of worry before looking at you.

"I can't believe this," you said as you tangled your fingers in your hair and turned around.

"Wait! Y/N, wait!" Yeji yelled as she and Ryujin got up, both of them following you across the hall to the bedroom.

You tried to close the door before either of them could enter but Yeji put her foot in the way, so you couldn't close it.

"Move, Yeji!"

"No!" She yelled back at you, panicking.

The sound of Lia and Yuna's dorm room door opening made Ryujin and Yeji turn their heads.

Chaeryeong was peeking out with them, rubbing her tired eyes after falling asleep in their room.

"What's going on?" Yuna asked.

Eventually, you got tired and moved away from the door just to storm across the room to grab a suitcase.

"Y/N, I can explain!" Yeji said as she ran to your side.

The girls all entered the room, watching in worry.

"I don't want to hear it."

"But I want you to. I need you to listen to me."

"How can I trust you?" You asked as you looked back at her. "You cheated, Yeji!"

"What?" The girls all said in unison.

"Cheated? What are you talking about?" Ryujin asked.

"Oh, she didn't tell you? Yeah, Yeji and I were dating."

"Are," Yeji said, only for you to shake your head.

"No, Yeji. Were. We were dating. You just cheated on me with Ryujin. We're not dating anymore!"

"Y/N, I swear, I had no idea." Ryujin quickly said, feeling even worse than you and Yeji did. "If I would've known you were dating-"

"I know." You said as you grabbed your blanket and a change of clothes, stuffing them into a duffle bag. "Don't worry, I get it. No one knew. We wanted to keep things a secret and fall in love without anyone knowing for a while."

Your explanation would be heartwarming in any situation but this.

"But then, tonight, Yeji ruined that. Because she was kissing Ryujin."

"Yeji?" Lia spoke in disbelief. "You did that? Why?"

"I don't know!" Yeji said. "We were just hanging out. I couldn't sleep and neither could she so we just decided to talk and watch tv but then... we kissed."

"I can't believe you," Chaeryeong said.

You shoved past Yeji and stormed out of the room and downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Yuna wondered as they all followed you.

"To the studio. I just need to clear my head." You said before rushing out to your car, where you drove away.

The girls all gazed at Yeji in shock and disappointment, wondering why she would ever do what she'd done to you.

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