{Wonyoung} - you get injured on stage - IVE seventh member

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"We're so happy to be here with you all tonight! Are you all enjoying the show so far?" Yujin asked the crowd and loud screams filled the arena in response.

You looked around in awe, completely amazed by all of the fans that were in attendance tonight.

It's incredible to witness your dreams come true right in front of your eyes.

Standing here on stage with your best friends while you all get to live out your dreams with the fans in the arena screaming out in support for you all felt so surreal and you couldn't be more grateful.

"We've got more songs coming for you!" Yujin said before the intro to I Am started.

You all poured your hearts out on stage as you sang and danced along to the song, giving your lines your all.

But as you danced around, you moved your ankle the wrong way and it rolled, causing you to fall onto the stage floor.

"Ouch!" You winced as you placed your hand on your injured ankle.

The song stopped and the girls were at your side only a second later.

"What happened?" Rei asked as Wonyoung put her hand on your shoulder in comfort.

"I moved the wrong way and it rolled and it really hurts."

"Can you walk on it?" Yujin asked worriedly.

You stood up and attempted to take a couple of steps, only to fall back onto the floor in pain.

"No, it really hurts!"

"I think you might've sprained it," Gaeul spoke as Wonyoung began to comfort you through the pain.

"It's okay, Y/N, you're okay." She said as she gave you a little hug, her arms wrapping around your neck loosely to comfort you.

"We should get you backstage where someone can examine your ankle better," Yujin said.

She and Wonyoung helped you stand and then helped you backstage, leading you over to the sofa as you winced and whined in pain.

A medic quickly hurried to your side as Wonyoung took your hand.

"We need to get back to performing," Yujin said as she bit her lip worriedly.

"I'll stay back here with her just to make sure she's okay. You go back out." Wonyoung said.

"Wonyoung, you don't have to-"

"Shh," Wonyoung said, gently placing her finger against your lip. "I'm staying here with you. End of story."

You smiled a little as she squeezed your hand.

"Okay, keep me updated. Feel better, Y/N." Yujin said and kissed your head before she hurried back to the stage.

"Yeah, it's sprained." The medic said. "You need to take it easy."

"Maybe I can get a stool and perform that way." You suggested.

"I think it's a good idea if you just rest for right now, Y/N. Put some ice on it and relax a little." Wonyoung said.

"But the fans-"

"Will understand completely." She interrupted. "We've got you, okay? You need to rest. Maybe you can do the stool thing tomorrow but for now, just ice it and rest."

You sighed but agreed.


"We're all so proud of you, Y/N. Don't ever forget that." Wonyoung smiled as she squeezed your hand. "You did a great job tonight. Don't feel guilty or disappointed. Be proud of yourself. You'll be back out there in no time."

"Thank you." You said.

Wonyoung kissed your cheek softly before squeezing your shoulder.

"Do you need anything before I go back out there?"

"No, I'm okay."

"Alright. See you in a few. I'll check up on you every chance I get, I promise!" She said before sending you a sweet smile and hurrying back on stage while you got some ice for your ankle, resting it as you needed to.

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