{Yuqi} - appendicitis - (G)I-DLE sixth member

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"Are you sure that you're okay to keep practicing, Y/N? You really don't look very good." Shuhua said from her spot on the floor beside you.

You bit your lip hard, feeling the pain worsen and become more and more intense by the minute.

When you woke up in the dorm this morning, you felt it.

But it began as just a little ache, so you brushed it off and put your best foot forward to practice with the girls.

But now, it's so much worse; it's just terrible.

The pain is bad and, on top of that, you feel a little nauseous and you feel cold, as if you have the chills.

But you don't want to let your friends down and today, practice is extremely important as you prepare for something huge for the group.

You felt the pressure that you were all under and you figured you could just keep pushing through.

"I'm fine." You said as you took in a shaky breath.

"No, babe, I really think you should go home to the dorm. What if it's the flu? Rest is key." Soyeon said but you pushed her hand away and shook your head.

"It's not the flu. Seriously, I'll be fine. I'll let you all know if I feel worse. But for now, let's just keep working."

The girls all looked at each other and gave up on trying to reason with you, knowing they were getting nowhere.

"Okay." Minnie sighed and helped you stand up before you all began to practice again.

But it didn't take very long for you to feel worse than ever before.

It wasn't even fifteen minutes before you were doubled-over in pain, groaning and gasping through it.

"We should get you back to the dorm," Miyeon said.

"No, we need to get her to the hospital!" Yuqi said as she rushed to your side and rubbed your back in comfort.

"On a scale of one to ten, Y/N, how bad is it?"

"Ten." You whimpered.

"I'll call an ambulance," Shuhua said in a panic as she ran across the room to grab her phone, dialing the number immediately.

"Sit down," Yuqi instructed before she and Minnie helped you sit on the floor.

It broke their hearts to see you this way; clutching your stomach as you groaned and whimpered from the intense pain while they could only wonder what might be causing it.

"Where does it hurt?" Shuhua asked as she came to your side.

You pointed to your right side, in so much pain that you couldn't speak.

"It might be appendicitis."

The girls all looked at each other in worry and fear, wondering what would happen next.

"It hurts so bad." You said as Yuqi took your hand.

"You can hold my hand. You can even squeeze it if it helps ease your pain. Just know that you're not alone." Yuqi said as she brushed her thumb across your knuckles soothingly.

"The ambulance will be here in a few minutes," Shuhua spoke, hoping it would soothe everyone's nerves.

"Okay," Soyeon said. "Don't worry, babe, everything will be fine."

"I'm just scared. If it's appendicitis, I'll need surgery, right?"

You looked at Yuqi, watching as she nodded her head.

"Will you come with me? Please?" You mumbled through the tears welling up in your eyes, both from the pain and the anxiety you felt.

"Of course, I will." She softly said before sending you a small, sad smile. "It'll be okay."

You groaned in agony, continuing to break the hearts of all of your friends before putting your head on Yuqi's shoulder and squeezing her hand.

You heard the sirens nearby as they approached the building and you heard a sigh of relief leave Miyeon's lips.

"We'll all be there, Y/N, we promise," Minnie said.

"After surgery, when you open your eyes, we'll all be there," Miyeon promised.

"But until then, I'll be there. Promise." Yuqi said as she comfortingly squeezed your hand, hoping that you'd be okay in no time.

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