{Yujin} - she's down - IVE seventh member

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Liz and Rei were giggling and joking around as the seven of you prepared to resume practicing for the new comeback.

You all took a short break to get some water and rest for a couple of minutes but now that you're all feeling refreshed, you're ready to get back to it.

Wonyoung was talking to you about her excitement for this new album but her words were going in one ear and out the other because your focus was on something else.


She looked so down as she brushed a lock of hair behind her ear and tried to get herself in the mindset of working hard today.

"Are you even listening?" Wonyoung asked as she playfully elbowed your side.

"Sorry. I just can't focus." You sighed. "Is it just me or does Yujin look really down?"

Wonyoung looked over at her friend and nodded.

"She does. I'm not sure why though." Wonyoung sighed. "Maybe I should go talk to her."

"No, I'll go." You said and Wonyoung nodded again before you headed over to Yujin.


She lifted her head upon hearing you saying her name.

"Are you okay?"

She shrugged her shoulders with a sigh.

She knew she should just put a smile on her face and put her best foot forward since today was supposed to be a busy day.

But she just wasn't feeling it and it was hard to hide her true feelings from you and the members, who she truly cares about.

"Come here." You said as you gently took her hand and led her to an empty part of the practice room.

"We should get to work," Yujin mumbled, only for you to stop her.

"Stop." You quietly spoke before sitting on the floor and pulling her down with you. "It can wait a few more minutes. You're sad and I want to know why."

"Why?" She mumbled sadly.

"Because I care about you." You said as you gazed into her sad brown eyes. "Please talk to me."

"I just..." She paused as a heavy sigh left her lips. "I don't know. I'm so tired. My sleep has been so bad lately so I'm drained physically and mentally. On top of that, I went on social media yesterday and I saw some things being said about me and all of us. It messed with my head."

You placed your hand over hers and she looked down at it before looking back up at you with a small smile.

"I know how you feel. With how busy we get, sleep can be really difficult. Hopefully, tonight will be better and you'll start feeling better. As for social media, I know that the things people say can be hard. You can't change people's opinions. Most of them are set in their ways and they just don't care. But, no matter what they say about you,"

You paused as you gave her hand a squeeze, causing her heart to flutter.

"You're beautiful. You're talented. You're incredible at everything you do and you're deserving of what you have. Don't listen to anyone else because those mean and negative words come from people who don't know you, are jealous of you, or are just hateful people. They don't know you the way we do."

She smiled a little bigger as she kissed your hand.

"That's very kind."

"I mean every word, Yujin. I know it can be hard to block it all out but for your sake, don't listen to what people say. You're beautiful."

"Thank you."

You saw the sparkle in her eyes again and it felt so good to see.

"Is there anything else bothering you?"

"Gaeul and I had a little argument the other day." She said. "It wasn't that bad and we didn't say anything too serious to each other but it's still lingering. She hasn't really spoken to me."

"Well, I promise you that things will get better there. With how close we all are, we can't ever stay mad at each other for too long. Why don't you talk to her?"

"I will. I promise." She said. "You're right though. We'll be okay. Thank you, Y/N. You made me feel a lot better."

She pulled you in for a hug and you put your cheek on her shoulder as you held each other tight.

"What would I ever do without you?"

"You don't have to worry about that, Yujin. I'll always be here for you." You promised before pulling away.

You stood up and she did the same before taking a breath and going over to Gaeul.

And without a word from either of them, they shared a quick hug and you smiled as you watched, knowing that all was well between them again.

"Should we get to work?" Liz asked as she looked around at everyone.

You all took your positions but before you started, Yujin came up to you again and hugged you from behind.

"You're amazing." She whispered in your ear and kissed your head before returning to her spot.

And you couldn't help but smile; happy that you could help cheer her up and also very happy due to the way she makes you feel, causing butterflies to fill your whole chest.

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