{Olivia Hye} - loona 13th member and you get bombarded by fans

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You looked out at the crowd of fans outside the building that you and the girls all stood in.

You just finished an interview; the second of many today.

It's early in the morning, only about eight am, but with the group's schedule and locations being posted online, fans knew exactly what you'd all be doing and where you'd all be today.

And the excited fans didn't care about the time or the wait it took for you all to come out after the interview.

They just wanted to see all thirteen of you.

"Okay, girls. You ready?" One of the staff members asked as you all lined up at the doors. "Don't worry. Security will be with you. The fans won't be able to overwhelm you."

That's what they thought.

That's what you all hoped for.

But that's not how it would go.

The doors opened and the excited screams from the fans filled your ears.

You were the last to walk out, following behind Olivia and Heejin.

It was so loud, almost deafening. With every step that you took, you were greeted by screams and fans reaching out to try and touch you somehow.

You put on a smile, trying to hide the anxiety you felt about how many fans had lined up to wait for all of you and how they were trying to grab at you as you walked.

Some of the members had already gotten in the van, but you, Olivia, and Heejin hadn't reached it yet.

You could see the van and your best friends from where you stood.

But as you got closer, you were suddenly stopped by fans getting too excited and suddenly grabbing onto you.

They tugged at your arms, ripping at your clothes as they tried to pull you closer despite the barricade being there.

"Please let go of me," you politely asked, despite panicking.

Security was trying to get you out of the situation but the fans were determined to talk to you and hug you and it was overwhelming.

The girls all saw what was happening and in a rush, Olivia ran to you.

"Let her go!" She said to the fans and though security had been warning them to do the same thing that you and Olivia asked, it was Olivia now saying it instead of the guards.

They let you go but not easily.

You fell onto the ground, scraping your knees as your shirt ripped.

It was a little humiliating as you had been exposed in a way you never imagined you would be.

Your shirt was practically ripped in half and seeing this, Olivia came to your rescue.

"Are you okay?" She helped you stand, pulling off her hoodie to pull it over your head.

She had worn a shirt under it, only wearing her hoodie to keep herself from getting cold.

But you needed it much more than she did.

"You're bleeding!" She said as she noticed that your knees had been cut up, as well as your hand, which you hadn't noticed until she pointed it out.

You sniffled as you felt overwhelmed by everything that happened.

Heejin and Vivi rushed to your side, all of the girls concerned about you after what they had just witnessed.

"It's okay, y/n," Olivia said as she hugged you, rubbing your back soothingly. "Come on, let's get you to the van. You'll be alright."

She held you close as you all made your way to the van, climbing inside.

But Olivia didn't.

She just looked at the fans in shock, wondering why they'd ever do something like that.

"Please don't ever do that again! You have to respect our space. Y/N's hurt but it could've been so much worse. How would you feel then? Put yourselves in our shoes. You wouldn't want that happening to you. Show us some respect."

She got into the van, instantly pulling you in for a big, comforting hug.

"It's okay, y/n. I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise."

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