{Rosé} - you're the tenth member of twice and she surprises you at your show

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You could hear the fans cheering from backstage as you and the girls prepared to go on stage and perform, ready to give all of these fans the show of their lives.

You and the girls have been all over the place lately, performing across the world in various beautiful locations.

Before this tour, it was a dream of yours to visit some of these spots.

Such as London and Paris and now New York.

You've been here a few times before but it feels different these days, since you're in such a great place in your life - both professionally and personally, and you just feel happier than you ever have before.

The fans are also so loud this tour, making the shows even more magical than ever before.

You still have a few shows left before the tour comes to an end but you just know that this one will be extra special.

You can't explain why, you just have that feeling.

"Places girls!" One of the crew members yelled and you all got ready to be risen up from your lifts onto the stage.

You encouraged each other, doing your usual chant quickly before you got in your spots.

The lights went down, the music began to play, and the screams from the fans became even louder as you all appeared on the stage and began to perform.

Little did you know, someone special was in this crowd tonight.

Someone had flown out from Seoul to come and see you because the distance was bothering her just as much as it was you, each day without you by her side making her miss you more than the last.

It took you a couple of songs for you to separate from the girls and start roaming around the stage to marvel at the fans who you love so much, unable to stop smiling as they leave you in awe.

You were trying to get closer to them, wanting to wave to them and blow them kisses and see the sweet signs that they brought with them tonight.

You felt so touched, your heart so happy and so warm as you listened to them all sing along and wave their lightsticks around during the songs.

In the middle of performing feel special, Momo and Jeongyeon came up to your side and hugged you close, dancing around the stage with you as you laughed and sang your lines together.

But it was Nayeon who had seen a familiar face in the front row that you hadn't spotted yet.

Someone that was proudly smiling as she watched you pour your heart out on stage while also giving your all with every song that you all performed together.

Quickly, Nayeon rushed to your side and tapped your shoulder to get your attention.

Pulling out one of your in-ear mics, she whispered something that made you oh so excited.

"Rosé is here!"

In excitement, she took your hand and led you to the right side of the stage, and there in the front row stood your beautiful girlfriend.

Fans had also noticed her and were trying to capture the sweet moment of you being so surprised and so happy to see her standing there.

So focused on Rosie being there, you forgot some of the lyrics and ended up zoning out a little.

When the song came to an end, the girls stopped performing and watched on, allowing for you to have a moment with Rosé, knowing it was one that you needed.

You walked down to hug her, security surrounding you the entire time so you'd both be safe and sound during the sweet moment.

You threw your arms around her as soon as you were finally close enough.

She held you just as tight, allowing you to bury your face in her neck, where you nearly cried from the happiness you felt.

You've been apart for almost two months and with how busy you are with group activities and how busy she's been with different things she has to do, you don't even have much time to talk on the phone or facetime.

It's also made difficult when you're in very different time zones, which is what's happened to you over the last couple of weeks as you travel and perform across different states.

It was an emotional moment and one that many people were capturing, wanting to share it with the rest of the world.

The love you have for each other is immense and, as always, it warmed the hearts of everyone that was there to witness you and Rosie reuniting.

"I've missed you." You said against her neck, breathing in the smell of her perfume. "It feels so surreal. I can't believe you're here!"

"Believe it, sweet girl. I've missed you so much and I'm here with you, right here." She said as she kissed your head and brushed her hand across your back comfortingly.

"You're doing such a great job on this tour. I've seen so many videos. But seeing it in person, watching you shine right in front of me, is making me even prouder of you. You're doing so great!"

"Thank you, baby." You said and she squeezed you a little tighter, lifting your feet from the ground slightly as she spun you around a little as the fans moved to allow her a little room to do so.

You giggled as she put you down but stopped as she put her lips on yours.

Being in the positions that you both are career-wise, PDA isn't a common thing for you.

But right now, neither of you care about who was in the room to watch the sweet kiss you were sharing.

You just wanted to feel her lips against yours and taste them, as you've been craving her kisses from the moment you left to go on tour.

"I love you so much." She said as she pulled away.

"I love you more, Rosie."

"Impossible." She teased and kissed you a couple more times. "You need to continue performing but don't worry because I'll be right here to cheer you on."

"And we can catch up backstage after the show, right?" You excitedly asked.

"Of course, my love. I look forward to it." She said, smirking a little.

You couldn't help but laugh as you cupped her cheeks and kissed her once more.

"Go on. Blow everyone away, my girl. I'll be watching you shine every second." She said and watched you turn around to make your way back on stage, only to turn back around and rush back to her to give her a few more quick but loving kisses before you rushed back on stage.

The girls all pulled you in for a big hug, excitedly cheering over Rosie being there, and teasing you a little for the PDA you just shared.

But you just laughed and hugged them right back, over the moon with the happiness you felt surrounded by your amazing friends, your girlfriend, and the incredible fans in the crowd who you adore so much.

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