{Choerry & Olivia Hye} - you're the tenth member of TWICE

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"How's our girl doing?" Yerim asked as she and Olivia watched you from across the room.

The three of you were gathered in the kitchen, voices low and words quiet so your members wouldn't hear any of you since your relationship is still very secretive.

You were grabbing your girlfriends something to drink from the fridge since they only arrived here at the TWICE dorm a few minutes ago and they're quite thirsty.

"Good." You replied to Yerim.

You put two glasses of ice water down on the counter in front of them and watched them both take a few sips before focusing back on you.

"You seem stressed," Olivia spoke.

You sighed as you walked to them and nodded your head quickly.

"I am. Our comeback is coming up. We're working so hard on it but you know me - sometimes it feels like it's not enough and I need to work harder."

Your girlfriends shared a look before Yerim suddenly lifted you onto the counter, making you gasp in surprise.

"Your best is good enough, always." Olivia smiled before she leaned in and kissed your neck softly.

As she kissed your neck, Yerim leaned in and pulled you in for a kiss on your lips.

You sighed against her lips, only for her to pull away a moment later so Olivia could kiss your lips.

You made things as even as possible by kissing Yerim and then Olivia every few seconds, so they'd both feel adored by you, as they should.

You were melting against them as Olivia kissed you and Yerim slipped her hands beneath your shirt.

But as you got lost in them and the moment, footsteps and voices were heard as two of your members entered the kitchen.

And to say they were surprised by what they saw was an understatement.

"Whoa!" Nayeon said as she covered her eyes.

She'd caught you kissing Yerim while Olivia kissed your collarbones.

"What's going on in here?" Sana asked as the three of you pulled away from each other.

"Um," Olivia paused.

"I can explain." You said.

"Before you do, let me take a guess. Because from what I just saw, I'd say it seems like you're dating both Yerim and Olivia." Nayeon said.

"You're right." You said as you bit the inside of your cheek.

"You are?" Sana asked, eyes going wide. "Well, how long has this been going on?"

"A few months." You replied.

"And you didn't tell us?" Nayeon asked, a little hurt.

"I didn't know how. Sometimes, being the youngest member makes me feel like I'm under a lot of pressure. Hiding it was just easier."

"Y/N," Sana said as she and Nayeon stepped closer to you. "You don't ever have to hide anything from us."

"We know you are under a lot of pressure all the time but we never put you under that. We don't ever expect you to be perfect. We just want you to be happy." Nayeon said.


"Really. We love you. You're like our little sister, all the members feel that way. You deserve to be happy and if you're happy with Yerim and Olivia, then we're happy for you."

You got off the counter and hugged them both tightly.

"We have to tell the other members in the morning," Sana said as she squeezed you tight.

"Okay. That's fair." You said.

"We're going to grab our snack and go back to bed. Give you girls some more alone time." Nayeon said as she raised her eyebrows, causing your girlfriends to laugh.

"Treat her right, girls. She deserves the world." Sana said as she and Nayeon exited the kitchen.

"She does," Olivia said in agreement.

"Come on. Let's go watch a movie." You said as you grabbed Yerim' and Olivia's hands and led them to the living room, relieved that you'd no longer have to hide your love for each other from your best friends.

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