{Karina} - what we have is real - ITZY sixth member and maknae

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Author's Note: Before you read this chapter, please know that this book and my account, in general, are NOT places for you to create conspiracy theories of whether or not Karina and her bf are actually together or not, nor is it a place for you to send either of them hate.

If I see any negative comments directed towards Jaewook, I will not hesitate to delete them and block you. Be kind with the things you say to others.

This is simply an imagine and does not reflect your author's personal views. I have nothing but respect for Karina, Jaewook, & their relationship.

Also, since Y/N is the maknae of ITZY in this imagine, In my mind, as I wrote it, I thought about her being born the same year and month as Yuna, just maybe a week or two younger.

Stay respectful. I love you all and hope you enjoy 🩷


Chaeryeong sighed as she went over to answer the front door of the dorm.

Upon opening it, she saw Karina standing there and, unlike all the times she'd seen her before, she wasn't very thrilled to see her there.

"What do you want?"

"To explain the situation. Where's Y/N? She's not answering me." Karina spoke, her voice frantic as she looked past her friend to see if she could see you.

"She's upstairs with Lia and Yeji. She's not answering you because she's upset. Quite frankly, we all are." Chaeryeong said as she folded her arms over her chest.

"I understand but I need a chance to explain. Come on, we're all idols here. You know how these things work. It's not what you, her, or anyone else thinks." Karina said before sighing and running her fingers through her hair. "Can I please see her?"

"Yeah," Chaeryeong said a second later, knowing that Karina was being truthful.

Karina thanked her before rushing past Ryujin and Yuna, who had just come downstairs, and she hurried up to your room.

"Y/N?" She spoke as she opened the door.

She was a little breathless due to how fast she'd hurried up to you, desperate to try and explain the situation to you so everything would be okay between you again.

You lifted your head as soon as you heard her voice.

"We'll leave you two alone," Yeji said as she and Lia stood up from your bed.

"If you need anything, let us know," Lia spoke before squeezing your shoulder.

Karina closed the door as soon as they were out of the room and she made her way over to you, only for you to stand up and pace around the room.

"I know what you're thinking." She said. "But you have to believe me when I tell you that I'm not cheating on you."

"I know." You quietly said. "I do know that, Karina. But this is hard on me. We've been together for a year now. JYP has already said that if we ever choose to, we could go public with our relationship. Your company keeps refusing and now this happens? I just don't understand."

You looked so heartbroken and it made Karina feel like falling apart.

She came over to you and pulled you into her arms to give you a big hug, knowing that it was something you both needed.

"You know how dispatch is. You know this industry. Whatever gets people clicks and attention, they'll do it without any hesitation, no matter who else it might hurt. I'm not with him. I wish I could tell everyone that but it's complicated."

"I know." You sniffled.

"But that doesn't change the way that I feel about you." She said as she cupped your cheeks in her hands. "I've spent the last year falling so deeply in love with you and I have no intention of letting you go. You mean the world to me."

"You know you mean the world to me too." You said as you looked into her eyes. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." She whispered back to you.

"It just caught me off guard. I wasn't even the first to know."

"Hell, Y/N, I wasn't either." She said with a small chuckle. "Trust me, I'm not thrilled about this and I'm hoping it won't be long before it's over. But right now, if I want to keep my career, I have to just go along with this."

"I know." You sighed. "I wouldn't ever ask you to rebel against that and risk losing everything you love and have worked so hard for."

She smiled a little before taking your hand and leading you over to the bed.

She laid down before pulling you into her embrace.

"I love you the most." She whispered. "Trust me, baby, I won't go anywhere. What's happening now, I just have to deal with it. I know it's not ideal but we're going to be okay. We'll make it through it. Because what we have is real and I wouldn't ever want anyone else."

"Me neither." You said with a small smile as you wrapped your fingers around hers.

"I know your members aren't happy with me right now. I know how much they love and care about you and since you're the maknae, I know they're extra protective of you." She said.

"Yeah, but they're not upset with you. They're just upset about the situation. But we all know this could happen to any of us. I just don't want to lose you."

"You won't ever lose me." She promised. "You're my girl. I won't ever give you up. I'd rather lose everything else than lose you."

"Let's not even think about that right now because I'm not going anywhere and I don't want you to give anything up for me."

"I know. Just as long as you know that if it ever came down to it, I'd choose you over everything else." She smiled and leaned in to steal a kiss from your lips.

"I'm sorry for being so upset."

"No, don't apologize for that. Baby, I'd be upset too if the shoe was on the other foot." She spoke understandingly. "Let's just focus on each other, okay? I love you so much. I just want to stay with you forever."

"I want that too." You said as you snuggled a little closer to her. "Because I love you so much too."

She smiled a little and ran her fingers through your hair with a sigh, promising herself that no matter what happened, she wasn't ever going to let you go.

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