A few family goodbyes

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| Annabeth Chase |

We were going to school. A proper High School. I mean, I'd been to High School before, but never like this! Never with my friends, never with other Demigods. 

Chiron said we would be leaving tomorrow. Piper had rushed off to pack, dragging Jason along. Percy seemed overwhelmed, he couldn't stop smiling.

Nico was in a sort of shock, and had disappeared. Clarisse on the other hand, had stormed off to her cabin where i could still hear her ranting. I think Leo had gone back to Bunker 9 to clear his head.  

As I packed a suitcase in my cabin, Samantha Fox walked up to me. She was a daughter of Athena four years younger than me. When she had arrived at camp, I'd taught her to fight and we'd become quite close.

⠀"Where are you going?" She asked, peering over my shoulder. 

⠀"Chiron has sent a group of us to mortal school." I told her while collecting in all my notes. 

⠀"So you're leaving?" I stated into her grey eyes, so like mine. She seemed sad. 

⠀"For a while," I smiled and wrapped my arms around her and gave her a big hug. "But I will be back, then how about..." I struggled to think of something to compensate for my absence.

⠀"How about we ask for a quest?" Samantha's face lit up and she nodded. "Promise?" 

⠀"Promise." I said.

It wasn't hard finding all my architecture notes. Over the past few months I'd been redesigning Olympus, and my collection of drafts was getting bigger, and bigger. I didn't pack all of my clothes, and I decided not to bring my Camp Half Blood top.

Reluctantly I folded it up and slipped it into the trunk under my bed. "Knock knock?" Called Percy from outside.

⠀"Dinner Annabeth!" I ran out of my cabin to join him for dinner at the pavilion. We had to sit on our tables obviously but I could still see him. Clarisse never showed up, probably still sulking.

⠀"I hear you are going to High School," said Malcolm sitting opposite me. I nodded as I ate my slice of pizza. "Good luck!" He said.

⠀"You should say 'Goode luck!'" I laughed and he cracked a smile. "Goode eh? I hear its a great school. They have a big library." He knew he was teasing me.

After dinner, Percy walked back with me to my cabin. He held my hand and we walked slowly, basking in the setting sun. "How do you feel about tomorrow?" He asked. 

⠀"Excited. Nervous. A mix I guess." 

⠀"First time we've gone to school together," Percy sighed. "I'll try not to get it blown up." We both laughed as we remembered every school Percy had (not purposely) screwed up. You could call them the good old days.

⠀"Which reminds me, Seaweed Brain, I'm not doing all your homework." He smiled at me with his beautiful sea-green eyes and gave me a puppy dog look. How could I resist? "Fine, we'll see." I sighed standing on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek.  

⠀"You're getting tall!" I said. 

⠀"I remember when you were taller than me. Now you know how it feels." Percy gave me another cheeky grin. Suddenly i noticed two figures by the woods.

They were holding hands and talking. As i looked more closely, i realized it was Clarisse and Chris. "Percy, look!" i murmured. He turned around and spotted them. He looked conflicted between saying 'awe!' And throwing up.  

⠀"Come on, Perce, lets leave them." i kissed him again and entered my cabin.  

Tomorrow we would go to High School, and I was anxious to find out what would happen.


So tell me what you thought! This ones kinda short :/ but I just had to put another chapter in! 

It's kind of showing that Annabeth has....how do I put this? A life or something outside of Percy, a favourite younger sister (by godly parent) and some friends from her cabin. If you get what I mean?

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