Party Planners

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| Percy Jackson |

I'd like to say my next class was more interesting with Annabeth in it. But I'm not going to lie. Our teachers voice made me want to bang my head against a table, it was so boring and slow. I'd managed to get a seat next to Annabeth, by bribing the boy who was meant to sit next to her (and apparently that doesn't come cheap).  

Bridgette sat across the classroom with Mya Gillian. Every few minutes she would turn around and smile at me. I could see Annabeth clenching her fists in fury. She was far less than pleased when Bridgette walked into class - she had almost the same amount if anger as Clarisse. 

⠀"And Mr Jackson, can you solve this equation?" he scribbled −5(1 − 5x) +5(−8x− 2) = −4x− 8x on the board. (AUTHORS NOTE: I get it. this is easy. i was 13 when i wrote this fic and literally just googled a math calculation. please stop commenting about it.)

My daydreaming had got me stuck again. I sat there, everyone's eyes on me. Pleasingly, I looked at Annabeth out the corner if my eye. She sighed and whispered "-5"  

⠀"x = -5 sir." I said quickly. 

The teacher looked at me in surprise. I bet he meant to catch me out. "Well done Mr Jackson." He said through gritted teeth. 

Oh boy, this teacher had some unapparent problem with me. 

Just as we were all leaving class, Bridgette grabbed me by the arm and slammed my hand on to the table. I hadn't had enough time to react so I just stood there shocked. Annabeth had left the class in front of me and was probably waiting.

To my surprise, Bridgette brought out a sharpie and wrote down a sequence of numbers, then her name, with an 'xxx' underneath on my hand. 

⠀"My phone number," she smiled. "Call me." 

Which sounded more like an order than a gesture. 

⠀"What took you so long?" Annabeth asked as I came out. 

⠀"Oh nothing, dropped my books." I didn't want to stress her out even more with the truth. I took her hand in mine and she relaxed. 

⠀"So this party," I began. 

⠀"Is not a good idea." She finished 

⠀"Everyone wants to go!" I argued. Annabeth sighed and turned to face me. 

⠀"Monsters can attack us there, it's not protected." 

⠀"We will come armed, and if a monster attacks we leave and deal with it." I suggested. Annabeth considered it. 

⠀"Hey, you two! Wait up!" Piper came running towards us.  

⠀"Where's Jason?" I asked.

⠀"He's talking to his teacher." 

⠀"Will we see him later?" 


⠀"Well, there's a party-" 

⠀"So we can go!" I butted in. 

Annabeth smiled. "Fine, Seaweed Brain, we can go. Anyway there's a party and I wanted to know if you two would come?" 

⠀"Yeah, sounds great!." She said. 

⠀"Good. Right. We'll see you at the van outside, with Argus." Piper nodded and changed her course so she headed for the lockers. 

⠀"Can I go see Paul before we leave?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.  

⠀"But lets be quick." 


Paul's current classroom was far down the hall. I knocked on the door and he let us in. 

⠀"Percy! I wondered when I'd see you. And Annabeth! Wow, you are so grown up." Paul said with a warm smile.  

⠀"I hope you had a good first day." 

⠀"Yes, Mr Blofis." Annabeth said. 

Paul smiled again. He must have smiled a lot because he had a few wrinkles near his eyes already... Laughing lines or something, I think they are called? 

⠀"Anyway sir, we must be going." She said. 

⠀"Yes, yes, have a nice day. I will tell your mother your doing fine." 

⠀"Thanks Paul."

We met Argus outside with the van. Piper came over hand in hand with Jason. He looked tired, but apart from that normal. Clarisse was going on about a fight she had in her last class as Leo got groggily into the van.

⠀"What's up Leo?" 

⠀"Frog dissection." He said clutching his stomach. 

Nico got in smiling, for once. Jason wolf whistled at him and Nico went red. 

⠀"Shut up." He said. 

Annabeth and I explained the party situation as Argus drove us back to our apartment. 

⠀"Sounds great!" Piper said, squeezing Jason's hand. He nodded wearily. 

⠀"I er... I've already made land for the party." Nico said shyly. 

Clarisse laughed. "You? Ha!" 

⠀"How can some emo kid get a date before Leo flamin' Valdez?" Leo moaned. 

⠀"Don't worry, you'll find her someday," Piper said. "Your er, Princess Charming will come riding on a trusty steed!"  

Maybe she was overdoing it there. 

⠀"I think she must be riding a turtle." Leo muttered.


So tell me what you thought! 

this chapter is a little short, but it finishes the school day so i hope you enjoyed it!

vote, comment and fan :) xx 

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