Sneakily Sneaking In

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| Percy Jackson |

I felt panicked. What was happening? Why did everyone seem to hate me?

I rushed down the corridor, pushing past students, searching desperately for one of my friends. As I rounded a corner on the History corridor I spotted Piper, opening up her locker.

"Piper!" I shouted, diving over to her.

she stared at me, confused. "what?"

"Piper, Piper, p-please," I panted, out of breath, "tell me why Annabeth won't talk to me."

"Percy," she sighed. "you can't play dumb. you know what you did."

"No, Piper, I don't! I have no freakin' clue! Please, what does everyone think I've done?"

Piper didn't answer for a minute or two. She closed her locker after getting her books out, and turned round to face me.

"I don't know what's up with you, Percy, but Annabeth saw you and Bridgette. Together. Kissing." she broke it up for me as if I wouldn't understand.

I stared at her gobsmacked. When did this happen

"P-Piper, I would never? I didn't? I-I couldn't have!"

"You're freaking me out now Percy... Look, you're my friend, you're a great guy, we've been through so much together. But, I have to be there for Annabeth, and right now she doesn't want to see you." and with that she left.

I had no memory of kissing Bridgette. She'd barely talked to me in months?! I couldn't have. I wouldn't have.

Maybe it was a mistake? Maybe she saw someone... she thought was me. But how could I prove it.

I tracked down Leo, after Geography, and cornered him. "Leo, I need your help." I said, deadly serious. "how could I prove that I wasn't there at a time where somebody thought I was there?"

"...come again?"

After going over my idea with Leo, a light bulb seemed to go off in his head, and a familiar grin broke across his face. "I know, but it'll be risky. We have to sneak into the room where they have all the security camera footage, and find a camera that caught the moment 'you' kissed Bridgette. We'll have to do it after school, though. If we sneak in a back window while the cleaners are in, we could probably get in and out quite quickly."

Percy nodded. "Okay, I'll do anything. I just want Annabeth to talk to me again. I want my girlfriend back."

The rest of the day, I stayed pretty under the radar. I kept my eye out for Annabeth, but I didn't see her. Maybe she had her cap with her? I did, unfortunately, bump into the person I wanted to see least.

"Hey, Percy!"

"Bridgette..." I avoided her eyes awkwardly.

"Is it true that you and your girlfriend have broken up?" she said, pouting her lips and putting her hand on my arm.

I shook it off. "No. Who told you that?"

"Oh, you know... just word around the school." She sighed, wrapping her hair around her finger.

"Goodbye, Bridgette." I said bluntly, heading in the opposite direction to her, disappearing out of her view before she could say anything else.

The end of the day couldn't come fast enough. And when it did, I couldn't stop shaking. I couldn't go back home to Annabeth ignoring me, I had to fix this today. Tapping my foot anxiously, I crouched waiting behind a large bin for Leo. I'd squared there for an hour or so, listening to music on my iPod.

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