A Goode first day

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| Percy Jackson |

I awoke to the now familiar smell of the sea and a blaring alarm.Yeah, my room smelt like that. The alarm was so loud I fell out of bed and landed flat on my face. Luckily, I had a soft carpet. It sounded like the whole floor heard the alarm. I ran out of my room to find everyone in their doorways, groaning and rubbing their heads.

Everyone except Leo, who was probably still asleep.

⠀"How do we turn it off?" Piper shouted over the alarm.

⠀"If I knew where that alarm was I'd crush it to pieces!" Yelled Clarisse.

⠀"Wait a minute," Annabeth muttered. "Someone wake up Leo! Get him out here!" Jason ran into Leo's room and disappeared. A moment later Leo stumbled out of his room, his hair all over the place, followed by Jason.

The alarm stopped. "What-?" I began.

⠀"Must be wired to stop when everyone's up." Annabeth summed up. No one seemed happy about that.

We got dressed and made breakfast. Any cereal or breakfast you wanted, you could have (thanks to Demeter). I had my usual blue waffles and a glass of milk. We were all talking about what could happen. Would we be attacked by monsters? How would we defend ourselves without the mortals noticing?

Clarisse had decided to join us, and was seeming less angry (if that's possible for her) but still gave out her fair share of mean stares. Surprisingly, she got on reasonably well with Piper. Maybe she reminded her of Silena: Daughter of Aphrodite, strong-willed and fierce.

The sun was rising above the city and it looked amazing. We truly had the best view.

⠀"Come on," ushered Annabeth. "We're leaving in ten."

I packed a simple rucksack full of my stuff, including Riptide. You never know what you could come across. We took the dreaded elevator down and after another sickening journey, reached the bottom. Argus was waiting outside with the van, ready to drive us to school.

⠀"Have a good day." Violet called after us lazily. Argus held a spray bottle of water and a drachma in his hands. To anyone else that would have looked mental but we knew he wanted us to iris message someone: Chiron.

⠀"Morning children. I trust you had a good sleep?" Chiron spoke to use through what looked like a rainbow in mid air. The image of him shimmered and glowed. We all nodded in appreciation, our rooms were the best.

⠀"Good, good. Now, as it's your first day of school, i thought i'd fill you in. You are all new students, starting the your Sophomore year like everyone else, except Nico who will be in 8th grade. If anyone asks where you come from, tell the truth, that's no secret. If they ask about your old school, make up a school for ADHD/dyslexic kids from where you all transferred. Got it?" Chiron informed us.

⠀"Yes," Percy said. "Does Paul know we are coming?" Paul is my step father, and he works at Goode. My mom and i told him about Demigods, Camp Half Blood and the gods being alive. He took it quite well for a mortal.

⠀"He has been informed about all seven of you, and promises to keep an eye on you."

I wasn't sure if that was a good thing. I mean, it's great my step dad is looking out for me, but i mean...he's my step dad. Would you want your dad watching your every move at school?

I didn't think so.

The iris message began to fade. "Good luck children, have a great day. Remember, this is your second chance." And then he was gone. We all stiffened and shuffled around. This was it. We were all going to go to High School together - our second chance Chiron had called it.

⠀"Come on then," Nico broke the silence. "We'll be late on our first day."

We approached the front doors. Students were already filing in to the building, not even giving us a second glance. Inside was a large entrance hall, with a student reception and many corridors. Annabeth got a map from the front desk and directed us to another desk, where we signed in and collected our timetables.

⠀"What have you got first?" I asked Annabeth.

⠀"Erm...Economics. You?"

My dyslexia didn't help me figure out my lessons but i eventually read it. "English."

⠀"Same," Said Piper as she checked hers. Jason had History, Clarisse and Leo had Economics with Annabeth and Nico had Chemistry. "Guess its just me and Piper then." I sighed.

⠀"See you later, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth called as she walked off with Clarisse and Leo.


so tell me what you think :) sorry its short!

to make up for it the next chapter will be long :D


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