Annabeth ruins her perfect record

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| Annabeth Chase |

I rushed down the corridor towards my class, pushing past everyone. Somehow, I was late for class. Me?! Late for class!

"Sorry!" I called behind me as I accidentally knocked some books out of a seventh graders hand. It was still hard to believe I was even late...I'd never been late in my life! The door to my class was just ahead of me at the end of the corridor. So I ran the rest of the way and managed to look calm as I walked into the classroom.
All eyes were on me.

"Miss Chase, any reason you are late to your history class?" the teacher Ms Ratcliffe asked. I opened my mouth but with no words coming out. How could I explain that my crazy ADHD demigod friend had tried to reset his alarm to go off later by practicing on all of ours first, making me wake up an hour late to it exploding by my head?

"I...I set my alarm wrong Miss, I'm sorry." I said and hurried to an empty seat next to Serra, an honour student I'd met playing volleyball in PE. She had totally thrashed our team at it. Serra flashed me a smile - showing shiny silver braces - as she pushed a piece of her black hair behind her ear.

"We're all late at one point or another," she said encouragingly. "It won't be much of a crumb on your perfect record, I'm sure."

"Thanks, Serra." I sighed.

Across the classroom I hear somebody snicker, and glanced to see Ruby, Bridgette's friend, and that horrible boy Max. He smirked at me and I turned back around so fast I accidentally nearly knocked Serra over.

"Today class," the teacher began. "We will be studying mythology throughout the ages." I stared up at the teacher, stunned by what would surely be further irony.

"Anyone know anything about the Greeks?"

My hand is raised before my brain even tells it to.

"Miss Chase, well done. Learn it in your previous school?"

"Actually miss," I said. "I've got... family from there."

"Well it seems you'll fly through this class. Can you speak Greek?" Ms Ratcliffe asked smugly, maybe thinking I couldn't.

"Μπορώ να μιλήσω ελληνικά."
A few of the class murmured, surprised.

Ms Ratcliffe stared at me blankly, stuck for words.
"E-excuse me?"

"I said," I told her slowly. "I can speak Greek."

"Oh. Yes yes yes, I knew that. You just pronounced it differently to what I've...I've learned." She flushes pink slightly and turns her back to the class. People snicker and Serra nudges me gently in the side. Thank you, Camp Half Blood.

| Percy Jackson |

"So, are you going to do it?" Jason said next to me as we look up at the bullet board. A piece of paper reads 'swimming gala on Tuesday 16th at 3:30, all ages, sign up at the sports office (see Mr Mayer)'.

"Wouldn't I have an unfair advantage?" I pointed out.

"You could...attempt to lessen your demigod skills for it...?" I shrugged with a sigh.

"I'll ask Annabeth."

"Aw, dude, come on! Make your own choices." Suddenly Jason was interrupted by a high pitched familiar.

"OMG, Percy are you doing the gala? I really think you should. I was thinking of doing it too, and I'd love it if you did too," Bridgette's thick spidery eyelashes fluttered madly.
Jason rolled his eyes behind me and Bridgette's friends - who appeared out of no where - glared at him.

"Maybe, Bridgette, I don't know." I said to her, trying to be as bleak as possible.

"Tell me when you make up your mind!" giving my a face full of her hair, she struts off, her cronies running behind her, giggling. I groaned and slumped against the wall.

"I thought she'd leave me alone after the party, man."

Jason sighed. "Obviously no one told her."

"Doing the gala now would be suicide."

"Percy, you haven't participated in any after school activities! that's how we 'make friends' and 'socialise with mortals'. Give it a shot." Jason said.


At lunch, I stood behind Annabeth in the line and decided to ask her.
"Hey, Wisegirl?" she nods, and before I can reply I just stare at her intensely grey eyes, and how I know they're always reading me.

"I was thinking about doing the swimming gala."

"You're joking right, seaweed brain?" she laughed.

I looked at her hurt. "No, seriously. Jason was saying I could try and dim my Poseidon powers down and attempt to participate as... a mortal, ya know?"

She doesn't say anything for a minute or two.
"Are you sure you can do that?"

"I can try. Please Annabeth, please?" I put as much puppy dog eyes as I can into my face and could noticeably see how her face softened and she smiled.

"If you stop looking like a helpless, adorable puppy, sure."

"THANK YOU ANNABETH!" I said and hugged her, holding on for as long as we could.

"Heard from Agnes?" Nico asked Leo across the table.

"I was with her until 9 last night, and she was pretty bad. Gonna go again tonight." Leo has bags under his eyes, and looks tired, but smiles at everyone, putting on the image of his usual joker self.

"So let me get this right," Clarrise grunted. "you were attacked by a?"

"Empousa." Leo said.

"And Agnes could see it?"

"No, I...she said she couldn't, but she still attacked it. Saved my life."

"Wow," Clarisse whistled. "Bad-ass."
I felt the sudden silence and changed the conversation quickly.

"Nico, how's the thing with Courtney?"
Nico suddenly whips his head towards me. "what thing? there's no thing? nothing is going on."

Piper snorts distantly and Nico reddens. Clarisse thumps him on the back as, speak of the devil, Courtney walks over.

"Hey Nico, are we still going to the library now? they've got a My Chemical Romance book in apparently!" still blushing, Nico rushed to his feet.

"Yes. Yes we are." He doesn't even say goodbye.
We all exchange smirks and Leo whistles.

"Oh, Percy, are you doing the gala then?" Jason asked.
I slipped my hand into Annabeth's under the table beside me.

"Yes, is anyone else?"
Piper raises her hand sheepishly.

"Thought I'd give it a shot."

"You'll be great Piper!" Annabeth encouraged.
She flashed her a thankful smile.

"But I'm sure Percy will win everything." Piper says with no hint of jealousy.

"Not if I can help it." Annabeth smirked.

Authors note:

I guess this is kinda a filler chapter for the gala and another surprise next chapter.
Please watch my trailer which is on my last chapter and the first one :) comment would be great! I love your feedback ^_^
I honestly wouldn't have carried this book on if I hadn't got so much love for it! you guys mean the world <3

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