Watch Out! Projectile Left Overs

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| Piper McLean |

I paced the room, laced with too many emotions to comprehend. I shouldn't be jealous I thought. Jason is my boyfriend, why am I so paranoid, he loves me, I love him, my mind whizzed and whirred with these thoughts.

"ouch..." I moaned as I walked into my desk unconsciously. "Gods, calm down Piper." reminding myself sternly, I ran my fingers through my hair, making it even messier.
Their voices could be heard faintly from my room, but I was too nervous to eavesdrop. I trusted Jason. It would be fine.

suddenly there was a faint knock at the door. slowly, I got up and answered it.
"Nico?" a ruffled looking son of Hades stood in front of my door, facing the ground. Blanking out the louder sounds of Jason and Reyna I stared at Nico. "Yes?"

"I well, erm, ah, I was just wondering, if maybe - you don't have to, I ah,"

"Nico, what is it?"

"I'm going on a... date..." he out his hand on the back of his neck and shuffles around nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"That's great!" I said, unsure of where this was going, "well done."

"c-can you help me," he spluttered out.

I stared at him. Nico wanted my help?

"it's just you're the d-daughter of Aphrodite and everything ah I don't know it's stupid, I'll just leave."

Quickly I put my hand on his shoulder.

"honestly, I'm not great at this whole dating thing either, and I don't think me and my mom have the same opinions on love, but I'd be more than happy to help as much as I can!" I beamed, all of a sudden bit wanting to let him down.

I walked with him into his own room and opener up his wardrobe. "it's best to just be comfortable," I said, making up advice as I went along. Nico nodded, as if an attentive little kindergarten. "don't... over do it."

yeah that's good advice, right?

soon I picked out black jeans and an ACDC top for him that I guessed looked nice together and waited while he changed in the bathroom.

"Great!" I said, smiling at his unsure looking face.

"these jeans are pinching me in places I didn't know could be pinched..." he said fidgeting.

"we can choose another-?"

"no no, I'm late as it is."

"Nico, I promise the best thing you can do is be yourself. Your date will love you for you, and being you is what you do best. Let me guess, is your date... Courtney?"

Nico blushed again and nodded anxiously.

"oh gods, good luck Nico! have a great time, you deserve it."

| Nico Di Angelo |

I cursed myself repeatedly as I say in Argus' van, driving downtown to park I'd agreed to meet Courtney at. you can't mess this up, I said angrily, adjusting my hair constantly. when the van stopped, it took me a minute or two to actually get out. I thanked Argus and walked over the the city park gates. Only 5 minutes of nervous finger twiddling later, Courtney arrived, walking over in large black platform shoes, a dark purple tartan skirt and sleek looking leather jacket. She grinned when she saw me, showing her cute dimples. butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I cursed myself again.

keep your cool.

"so you wanna walk down to the pond?" she asked coming up next to me, her blue eyes twinkling happily. I nodded dumbly and opened the gate for her.

the whole way I didn't have to do much talking, I just let Courtney go on with herself. I enjoyed listen doing to her voice and finding out about her day. Things that annoyed her, things she loved, how she ticked, it was relaxing in a strange way.

"anyway," she stopped eventually. "how are you, Nico?"

"I'm er I'm great." I stuttered stupidly.

"how are you finding your new school? must be pretty different from your old one!"

you have no idea.

"y-yeah, it's good."

she stayed silent for a few minutes, maybe expecting me to carry on talking, but soon figured I'd finished. Courtney just looked at me and smiled, before going on again and something to do with a girl called Emma she hated at school.

The sides of my mouth pulled, turning into a smile as I watched how she moved when she tucked her hair behind her ear, and batted her eyelids. when we reached the pond I didn't want her to stop talking.

Courtney got out a picnic blanket and sat down, then proceeded to get out food I didn't even see she'd brought. sausage rolls, still steaming slightly, cartons of orange juice, packets of Pom-bears and Pringles, chocolate bars and 2 bananas, 2 pots of chocolate mousse and half of a cheesecake.

"Courtney... you didn't need to go to all this trouble." I said, amazed.

"but I did! today should be special for us both, you especially."

discreetly she placed her hand onto mine, and I shivered as I discovered they were warm.

we feasted and gorged ourselves for what seemed like ages, the conversation topics started flowing easily, and by the end I was laughing along with her, happier than I'd been in a while. I even told a funny joke.

"I can't eat anymore." Courtney moaned, rubbing her stomach and edging over to lie by my side.

"same." I said.

"I can't be bothered carrying the left overs home. what should we do?"

"I don't know. what fun can you have with food?" we stayed in silence for a few minutes, watching the pond and the ducks elegantly drifting on it.

Courtney got up, rummaged in her picnic bag, and came out with a handful of cheesecake we didn't eat. smiling at me menacingly, she did what I least expected.

"OH MY GODS!" I shouted as cheesecake flew at my face, penetrating even inside my nostrils. "COURTNEY," wiping cheesecake out of my eyes, I scrambled to grab the nearest food I could find, and launched it in her general direction.
I heard a shriek and a thud as Courtney was hit by half a sausage role.


I lost track of what we were even throwing, it all turned to mush that got smeared on almost all of me and her.

as a passerby walked along the path, gobsmacked at the sight of us, Courtney yelled "WATCH OUT! PROJECTILE LEFT OVERS COMING THROUGH!" and catapulted a biscuit in the walkers direction. The man yelped helplessly and dodged it in time before legging it.

"Courtney, oh gods I really think we should go." I said, looking at the mess we made. "or at least clear up this mess.

"yeah yeah," she dismissed, walking over to me. "but first..."


she crashed her lips into mine, and all I could do was stand there, eyes wide open, as she kissed me, somewhat passionately.

my first kiss.

Authors Note:

no percabeth this one ooooo sorry guys :c do you want next chapter to be percabeth FILLED?
and a return of your FAVOURITE character, Bridgette? c;

thank you so much for all the reads, 200k+ what the FRICKTY FRACKLE


Agnes xxxx

NOTE 20/8/19: i wrote this way before nico was canonly gay or dating will and when i was like 13. please stop commenting nasty things.

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