The Rivals

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| Annabeth Chase |

I was slightly reluctant to leave Percy on our first day. I mean, I trust him, but I wasn't sure about some of the students. As soon as we'd stepped in, I saw many girls giggle around him. It was obvious he was oblivious to this, so I sent Piper a silent message to look after him.

At least he wasn't pompous and gloated about his looks.

So I walked to class with Leo and Clarisse.

Leo was a laugh I guess, he never did anything wring purposefully. He tried to keep up a conversation as we walked, while Clarisse just gave the younger kids mean looks.

⠀"So are you good at school?" Leo asked me. "Oh wait, stupid question. Child of Athena."

⠀"I'm still dyslexic and ADHD you know, but I suppose my grades are high." This was true, I rarely failed a test.

We got to the Economics classroom and walked in. A few students had already sat down, so there must have been no seating plan. I sat down on the second row at the end, and nervously Leo joined me. Clarisse went straight to the back and got rid of some of the students there.

Our teacher, a plump lady in her fourties, walked (well, it was more like a waddle) in. She had short wispy brown hair, streaked with grey. Her black blazer looked far too small for her. "Morning students!" She squeaked.

No one said anything. She opened her briefcase just as the last students rushed through the door. A group pushed past the others as they entered. There were three of them: a tall Mexican-looking girl with long dark hair and hazel coloured eyes, a shorter girl with straight bronze coloured hair and way too much tan, and a boy with sandy side-swept hair and clear blue eyes.

They walked in as if they owned the place, smirking at people lower than them. I instantly recognized the kind of people they were. The stuck-up cheerleaders, the self-obsessed jock, basically the bullies. No High School was complete without them.

The boy scanned the class for a place to sit, ignoring anyone who was already sat there. Then he saw me, and a smile grew on his face. Oh gods, I thought. He strutted over as the two girls took their seats behind me, and stood over Leo.

Within a second he had pushed Leo onto the floor, and was sitting next to me. I stared at Leo in shock, then back to the bully in anger.

⠀"What do you think you are doing?" I said, my voice shaking. Gently, I helped Leo to his feet.

⠀"He was in my seat." He smirked.

⠀"There's no seating plan." I retaliated.

⠀"I don't care." Then he pushed Leo again and he fell back down. Several people snickered at him.

⠀"Settle down class!" Called the teacher.

⠀"Excuse me, miss, but-"

⠀"Sit down please." She interrupted.

⠀"But miss-"

⠀"I said, sit down." Reluctantly, I sat down and watched Leo grab his stuff and sit on the opposite side of the class. I wanted to bring my knife to this guys throat right here, right now.

⠀"So class," said the teacher. "I am Ms Lee, your economics teacher! Lets do the register. While I do that, please turn to page thirty in your textbooks." I flicked through my book and easily found the page. While Ms Lee called the register, i found out the boy next to me was called Max. He made to effort to open his textbook.

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