Crazy Arson Party

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| Percy Jackson |

"Nice one Perc!"

"Yeah, good job!"


I was swayed from side to side by people punching my arm jokingly and nudging me and patting me on the back. Students were still congratulating me about the Swimming Gala, and it had got kinda boring. Squeezing through the crowd spilling out of History I made my way down the hall, scanning for any sign of my friends as it was lunch now.

I was caught by surprise when someone gripped my arm tightly.

"Percy, what did you do?" Piper looked up at me sadly, not easing her grip.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Annabeth standing at the end of the corridor staring at me, not moving.


As soon as my mouth opened she turned on her feels and stormed off.

"Piper, what did i-"

"Don't play that card on me. Annabeth saw what you were doing with her." Piper crossed her arms and looked at the ground.

"Who's her?"


"She hasn't bothered me since the gala?" I said, extremely confused.

"Don't dig yourself into a bigger hole Percy." Piper sighed and started walking off.

"Wait, no, Piper wait!" But I'd already lost her.

In the canteen I saw Nico sitting with Courtney and pulled up a seat next to them. "Nico what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, spitting a few bits of his salad onto me.

"Annabeth won't talk to me and Piper says I've done something wrong and God knows where Leo is."

"I don't know dude, I've been with Courtney all day." He replied, giving his girlfriend a caring smile to which she winked.

I put my head in my hands and leaned on the table. What could I have possibly done? Annabeth being mad at me made my stomach churn and, to be honest, my heart hurt.

| Leo Valdez |

I clutched Agnes' warm and soft hand tightly. We sat, about 6 metres off the ground, in a tree overlooking the school. You could see the main building, the PE stadium, and caretakers shed and the courts for sports, hills rolling in the distance behind everything. Students were milling about everywhere, wandering left and right as the sun shone beautifully over the old brick school building. After 10 or so minutes the bell rang, and students reversed and filed back inside.

"We shouldn't be missing class." Agnes whispered.

"They won't noticed." I lied.

Agnes' head rested on me and her luscious blonde hair fell over my shoulder. She'd got out of hospital 2 days ago, but insisted on coming in to school to see me and her other friends, much to my complaint.

"You okay?" I asked as I heard her sigh to herself.

"Perfect." She smiled up at me, looking like a cute puppy of sorts.

We were gazing out at the beautifully scenic view when suddenly a cloud of smoke started billowing up from the caretakers shed. Agnes nearly fell out the tree as we watched it erupt into flames in a sudden flash.

"Either someone's having a crazy arson party, or something bad is going down.

"Leo, oh my god. Everyone's inside no one will know."

In a rush, we clambered out of the tree and legged it over to the caretakers, keeping a safe distance.

"It's the smoke that kills you, not the flames." Agnes said as she squeezed my hand even tighter.

"Someone must have done it, set it on fire I mean? I'm gonna go get someone." I parted hands with Agnes and slowly edged around the other side of the shed, but came to an abrupt stop when I saw a girl standing at a distance, staring at the shed.

It was hard to see her because of the smoke. Before I could hide, she noticed me, but made no attempt to run away. Instead, she took a few moments to stare at me, then to her left, at a security camera in a tree. Was this girl crazy? Mystery girl stared at the camera long enough for the person on the other end to get a tough estimate of who she was, and begin heading back to the school. I didn't dare pursue her, in fear of looking like I helped her, but as she headed away from the shed, i could see she had long blonde curly hair, and seemed quite tanned. She was also sporting a navy blue cap, and holding a box of matches.





sorry it's short but I haven't updated in ages and wanted to show u all I'm still alive

om g cliffhanger soz xo

btw pls read my other stories if u love me (and 5sos lmao)

okay that's it kthnxbye

love u all very much xx


percabeth at goode ; pjo/hooWhere stories live. Discover now