Isn't dress shopping FUN guys?

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| Percy Jackson |

I slumped down onto a posh leather sofa opposite the changing room in some weird tuxedo shop Leo had dragged me and a reluctant Nico into. 'Why did we have to dress up posh for prom anyway?' Nico seemed to repeat in a monotone voice every 5 minutes.

"Ta daaaa!" Leo sprung out from behind the changing room curtain, emerging to model a smooth dark grey suit with braces over a plain white shirt and maroon red bow tie. He ruffled his hair up and shot us both a grin.

"It looks great!" I complimented approvingly, "are you taking Agnes?"

Leo blushed slightly but smirked. "Of course. Anyway, your turn Percy! Isn't dress shopping FUN guys? am I right? " He practically sang.

"Do we have to call it dress shopping..." Nico mumbled.

Leo grabbed the suit I'd chosen from next to me and shoved it into my arms, before catapulting me into the changing room. As I grumbled to myself about ties and creases and ironing, I slipped the outfit on. My mind wandered to what Annabeth would be wearing. She'd still look perfect wearing yoga pants and a sweater. Before I left she'd specifically demanded that she see my suit before she bought her dress, so we could colour coordinate and look 'organized'. But I wasn't allowed to see her dress until prom. 1 week.

"Percy, you look damn fine!" Leo laughed patting my shoulder as I showed them my choice. a normal black suit, blazer not buttoned up, with a tie that surprisingly matched my eyes. I even saw Nico smile and nod for, like, a millisecond. He had seemed happier lately, less lonely.

"Okay boys, let's check out."

| Annabeth Chase |

The mall was quite empty for a change. My feet echoed quietly as I milled around the shops, occasionally window shopping or popping in to consider something. But I was saving all my money for my prom dress, and waiting for Percy to buy his suit downstairs.

"Hey, Annie!" called a voice suddenly from behind. To my dismay, it was Max. My classmate in economics. The douche bag who bullied Leo that first day, and continues to be an utter pain in the behind. He strolls over as if he actually has business with me.

I start walking faster.

Somehow he catches up and a cold fist grabs me wrist.

"Let go Max!" I pull away just about hard enough for his grip to loosen and me to get away.

"Aw come on Annie... dudes don't dig hard to get."

"And girls don't dig guys when they're not single. My boyfriend is only downstairs. Leave me the frick alone or I'll call security."

"But that's no fun." A sickening pout played on his lips as he lingered just behind me still.

"Don't you have something better to do? like some girl to bang in the back of your rusty old squeaky truck?" I snapped. He laughed lightly with a tone of offence.

"Calm down sweet pea. Ease up a little Annie," his breathe brushed my ear. "What Peter doesn't know doesn't hurt him."


I elbowed him straight in the stomach.


My heel collides with his toes.

Max wobbles and cripples over, clutching his stomach.

"His name's Percy jerk face." I kicked his leg for good measure. "and don't ever call me Annie again.

| Percy Jackson |

Just as I was coming out of the store with the guys a whirl of blonde hair collided into me and gripped me around the waist.

"Woah woah Annabeth are you okay?" I cupped her face in my hands and could see the anger in her now storm-raging pupils. "Do you wanna tell me what happened or do you want to talk about it later?" It was rare she acted so publicly vulnerable. But I knew she could still kick ass if she had to.

She shook her head and leaned back into my chest. Leo and Nico started some small talk awkwardly. I let her hold onto me for a minute or 2 longer before pulling her off my gently. "Want to see my suit?"

Gladly, I got Annabeth's approval for it and in her words it 'turns you into a proper gentlemen.' She kissed my cheek and turned on her heels to dress shop, and I found myself watching her as she walked off. Annabeth had a great figure. She was slim, but not too skinny, and had curves. Her shoulders were muscular built, and I swore she was still getting taller. Blonde curls swung behind her in perfect little natural ringlets that billions of girls would pay millions for.

I missed her lips, full and naturally rosy pink, and the way her eyes so easily conveyed emotions, and in a some what beautiful manor. Her cute little frown she always used on me when I did something wrong, where she furrowed her eyebrows and her nose crinkled at the top. I missed how in the summer her freckles came out like tiny brown constellations of stars on her face, and how the sun made her cheeks go a pink-peach colour and she would start painting her nails pastel colours even though she'd bite them when she was stressed.

I loved her with all my heart.

"Percy?" Leo said, snapping his fingers in my face and laughing, "Earth to Percy? Anyone home."

"YES WHAT SORRY." I said all at once failing to act remotely casual.

"We gotta head back, daydreamer, my tv program is on in half an hour!"

Annabeth hadn't clued me in on her plans. I thought taking her in a limo would be too cliche, so I'd sorted out other transportation to pick us up. Only a week or so to go. Prom, then the summer holidays.



so I changed my name first of all, from Ginny_Annabeth to violetharmcn :)
also I'm sorry if there's any errors I'm writing this at about 1 in the morning bc... I don't actually know why.

im thinking about only 2 or 3 more chapters... ahhhh I can't believe this book had come so far thank you for all the support !!!!

one of the chapters will be prom, one will probably me am intense percabeth scene, then maybe a goodbye etc chapter?

stay happy I love u guys !!!!

^__^ xx

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