A New Offer

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| Jason Grace |

Reyna looked exactly the same.

Long, silky dark hair and bold eyes that held a gaze you wouldn't bet against. Opposite to her usual attire, she wore a black hoodie with bold white print reading Brooklyn and jeans, a strangely casual look for praetor of New Rome.

For a few seconds she stared at me as if reevaluating me. It made me nervous. Piper clung to my side nervously, unsettled by her presence. We were the only ones in the living room but i was sure the others would be listening in.
I laced my fingers in hers and squeezed them gently. She smelt of sweet fruits, pineapples and kiwis.

"Jason, it's nice to make your company again." She said stiffly. "We need to talk."

Piper and I waited for her to continue, but she just stared at Piper.

"Alone." she clarified, and reluctantly Piper let go of my hand. Before going back to her room she gave me a quick kiss.

"Grace, I wouldn't come here if it wasn't urgent," she stepped closer. "I'm worried for the camp's security. Recently we got a new praetor and he's gone missing. we've had reports of people sighting him all around the borders of New Rome. But not alone. Accompanied by monsters, different ones every time. We have no idea what is happening, if he wants to get in or can't and-"

"if he's betrayed you or not." I said, processing the information, astounded.

"Exactly. The borders around New Rome are weakening. I can just... feel it. Something big is coming and I'm... I'm worried, Jason. I'm worried." her voice turned tender suddenly, a tone I hadn't heard on her before.

"You have so much expertise and so much skill. We need you back to help us figure it out. For at least a few months. Then you may return. I promise. What do you say Grace?"

| Annabeth Chase |

I sat with my laptop on my knees, browsing the Internet about Spanish traditions, the topic of my latest assignment. Well, the teacher hadn't really assigned it, but better safe than sorry, and better prepared than unprepared. I could faintly hear a conversation from my room between Jason and Reyna. just mumbling.

I wished Percy was next to me, but I had left him to rest a little bit more. Percy was already confused enough normally, anymore more confusion would be unbearable. I'd had no words of high school wisdom from my mother, but I'd been in contact with my dad. he'd just said the normal fatherly things. "complete all your homework on time." "don't get into too many fights."

Suddenly the laptop made a ping sound. I had a message from Facebook.

'1 message from Percy Jackson.'

"hey wise girl" he had typed.

"Percy lets not do this again." I replied.

"yeah I'm sorry, it's just I made you something on here and thought I'd send it to you." he disappeared for a minute or so, leaving me confused.

'Percy Jackson is sending an image.'

I tapped my fingers on the laptop anxiously. Then it came from and I could only stare.

It was a collage of us. Of as many pictures he could find as possible. There were some from about 2 years ago, some from last week. They were messily put together as if he'd cut around our figures and stuck them down. It took me a minute to notice the pictures were in chronological order - starting from the top.

"it's not a lot. it's pretty bad. but I don't know... I just wanted to send you something even though it's small" Percy typed slowly.

Somehow a tear had escape my eye and I wiped it away messily. "Percy I don't care how small it is, anything from you is perfect. I love you."

"I love you so much Annabeth." he replied.

"Percy get in here."

2 minutes later Percy tumbled through the door and practically ran into me. Our lips crashed into each others and he held me around the waist. My hand traces his collarbones and I held his shoulders. The usual, surprisingly pleasant, taste of salt lingered on his lips. We lay on the bed, so wrapped up each other, it was a dream.

When we parted, Percy just looked at me, as if studying my eyes.

"There's no place I'd rather be than with you wise girl."

"Good thing I'm not going anywhere."

Authors Note:

wow... long time no update D:

I hope you guys haven't given up on me oh gosh ;-;

erm I was thinking of doing a big time jump soon, just to let you know, and I know they can be annoying but it's relevant to the speed of how fast I want the story to go!!

anyways, please comment and vote, I'm so so so so frikin grateful for all the reads I could cry. I never guessed I'd get so many!!!

stay safe, I love you ^_^

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