The Waiting

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Just like Lan Wangji said, he came back the next morning. He see the Lan disciple is already up and ready to go. Their next place is Yueyang the place is bustling with happy town people and many decorations above them.

The Junior is surprise to see a town this festive. Lan Wangji can also tell that this is the first time the Lan disciple get to see something like this outside of Caiyi town.

"Everyone," they turn to look at Lan Wangji, "We will meet over there," he pointed to the tea inn. "Don't get in trouble. Sizhui, you make sure of that."

All the Lan disciple is very happy to hear that their Hanguang Jun let them have some fun before their night hunt. "Go on now."

"Yes Hanguang Jun."

Lan Wangji went to the tea inn first, he sat there drinking his tea when a black clothes person standing in front of him, "Hanguang Jun?" Lan Wangji look up to see one of the famous cultivator, "You must be...."

"Song Lan is my name, may I have a seat?" Song Lan gave Lan Wangji a bow. Lan Wangji nodded his head.

Song Lan sat down in front of Lan Wangji, "I heard a lot about you Hanguang Jun, always go where the chaos is at."

"I also heard about you, Song Lan courtesy Zichen. Also known as distant snow and cold frost, it is a pleasure to meet you."

The two gave a bow to one another, "Lan er gongzi, have you seen a guy in white carrying a horsetail and a sword call Shuanghua?"

"Shuanghua? You don't mean Xiao Xingchen?"

Song Lan nodded his head, "I am trying to find him but I couldn't find Xingchen anywhere."

"Have you two lost each other?" Song Lan nodded his head.

"Is he someone important to you, Song xiong?"

"Yes he is. I guess you can said that he is my soulmate."


"Sound like Lan er gongzi is also looking for someone as well."

"I am. I have cause him so much pain. I want to find him to tell him how sorry I am and hope that he will forgive me."

"Soulmate are bonded to each other. No matter where they are, we will always find them. I wish you good luck on finding your, Lan er gongzi."

"Same with you Song xiong."

After Song Lan have a good talk with Lan Wangji and talk to him about Xiao Xingchen, Song Lan left the inn to continue to look for his soulmate.

'Will Wei Ying forgive me if I tell him the truth? Wei Ying, where are you at? I know that you aren't gone. I believe that you will come back.'

When the junior arrive at the tea inn they are off for their night hunt. Just like before Lan Wangji stand to the side to watch the Junior deal with the monster or whatever is causing trouble for the town and the villager.

Just like in other town Lan Wangji left the rest of the Lan disciple to Sizhui since he is the one who is more mature, and act more like a leader to the rest of the Lan disciple.

Lan Wangji went to the burial mound in Yiling. This is the only place that Wei Wuxian and the Wen remnant use to live in. This is the only place that remind him of Wei Wuxian even though he didn't get to stay long to talk to him because Wei Wuxian isn't his friend nor his soulmate anymore.

Lan Wangji play the same inquiry question over and over and over again. He know that Wei Wuxian won't answer him, 'I won't give up until I find you. I will wait for your return Wei Ying.'

He left the burial mound once more to return back to the tea inn. He arrived back in Yueyang before the sun rise. Before everyone wake up Lan Wangji went to his room to get some rest before they leave to go to the next town for their night hunt.

The next morning the Lan clan left Yueyang town. They arrive in the next town 3 days later. When they arrive in that town, it was already night time. Lan Wangji and his disciple got their room, order their food and then head off to bed since they will have a long day tomorrow.

The Lan always wake up at their time at 5 am in the morning. Since they woke up early the owner of the inn haven't open their tea house yet. For now, Lan Wangji want to take the Junior to have a look around the place that got attacked by either ghost, ghoul, or monster.

They even asked the people who live there, they want to know what the villager or town people have seen or hear anything strange at night when they went to sleep.

They got many thing from hearing monster roaring and ghost screaming. The villager doesn't know what is what so the Lan can only come back at night to see whether is a monster or ghost that is attacking their village and their town.

After gathering enough information they head back to the inn to get something to eat before heading back out for their night hunt. Even Lan Wangji doesn't know if this last mission will be save for the Junior to deal with themselves or not so this time he will have to help out.

Just like Lan Wangji thought this time the Junior opponent is much bigger and stronger then their two previous mission.

"Everyone spread out! Don't attack until I said so!" Lan Wangji pull out Wangji and unsheathed his bichen to get ready to fight. All of the other Junior also unsheathed their sword, "Sizhui!"

"Understood Hanguang Jun!" Sizhui look at his fellow clan, Sizhui also pull out his guqin to help Lan Wangji in this battle.

"Everyone attack now!" Lan Wangji send out his chord assassination while Sizhui use his music to confuse the beast. The other Lan Junior attack from all diff side to confuse the beast as well this way the beast won't know where or which direction to attack them.

Lan Wangji and Sizhui sent their sword out to help the other Lan disciple. And then Lan Wangji jump into the air with his Wangji with him, as he sent out guqin string to tie it around the beast neck.

"Everyone now!" All the Lan disciple jump into the air and stabbed the beast on each size of it body. It let out a loud roar, with one hard tug on the string Lan Wangji cut off the beast neck with the string.

All the Lan drop to the ground at how exhausted they are, "That is one hard beast to fight!"

"You can said that again Jingyi."

"Good job everyone," they all smile at their Hanguang Jun who gave them a compliment.

When they all got their breathing back they all went back to the inn. Their mission is over and it is time for them to return to Cloud Recesse.
I hope you like this chapter! Thank you for reading! Enjoy now!

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