Yi City

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"Wei Ying, open the bag," when they did the two see that the head, two arm and two leg are sew to the torso.

"It is another part of a body, it is almost the same bodybuilder as the arm. But why did the ghost mask man come here to dig it up." Wei Wuxian turn to look at Lan Wangji.

"He must have know that we are searching for the hand body or all of the part. We need to move fast."

"Mn.But where to next?" Wei Wuxian asked while putting the torso into the Qiankun pouch and seal it up. "One thing I don't understand, why is that ghost mask man have the same fighting style as your clan? Do you think is someone from your clan that you know?"


"Then let's head back to the inn first. We need to know where the ghost hand will point to next."

Before heading back into their own room, the two play for the ghost hand once more. It point them to the east of shu.

The next morning, the hand have pointed them to a town call Yi City.

"This place have bad Feng Shui."

"That's not all, it have barren mountain and turbulent rivers. Let's go," the two walk to the big door, they opening it, the door make a big squeak noise.

"Is very foggy in this town. It will be very dangerous if someone try to sneak up in between us without realizing it."

"Let's be careful."


As they walk into the city, the two head tapping noise. Then a white cloth passing by them very fast. Lan Wangji went chasing after it, "Hey!" He was gone. 'Don't just leave me here by myself.' "I guess I'll go look around then."

As Wei Wuxian keep walking forward, he heard footstep running in his direction, "whose there?"

When the group come closer Wei Wuxian see who it is, 'why is the Junior here?' "Sizhui, Jin Ling, what are you all doing here?"

"Why are you here?" Jin Ling ask with a annoying tone in his voice.

"Mo qianbei, your here, then that mean Hanguang Jun is also here?" Sizhui is happy to see Wei Wuxian again even though none of them know that Mo Xuanyu is actually Wei Wuxian.

"Of course he here. They did leave Cloud Recesse together didn't they?" Jingyi looked at Wei Wuxian.

'Of course these Junior look up to their Hanguang Jun, his righteousness, always give out good advice.' "Yes he here he here. But first, why are you all here?" Did you all gather here to go on a night hunt together?" Wei Wuxian asked the Junior.

Wei Wuxian listen to what the Junior is saying, Jin Ling notices how there is nobody in town.

Sizhui explain that even though us broads daylight there is mist all around them and none of the shop are open either.

*Sigh* 'who is in their right mind going to a place like this for a night hunt?' "That is not what I am asking? What I am asking is why are you all here?" Wei Wuxian looked at all of the Junior especially Sizhui who is the mature one in the group.

Jin Ling tell Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji that he was chasing something, he doesn't know what it is, it take him from Qinghe to get here. Sizhui also tell the two that they came from Langya.

"What we're you guys chasing?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"We don't know. It never show it face." Sizhui answered Wei Wuxian question.

'Jin Ling came from Qinghe. The Lan clan and other clan came from different town, someone is leading them here on purpose.'

The sound of tapping coming once more, it is all around them. "The tapping noise again. It has been following us every since we step foot into this town."

"You mean it has been following you for a very long time?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Yes, it never stop. We don't know where is coming from or what is trying to tell us."

"Is coming again?! Is everywhere!" Jin Ling shouted.

Sizhui shouted that there are corpse heading their way, he can even smell it. The Junior begin to panic since they feel like they are being surrounded from all around them. Wei Wuxian sigh once more, 'These Junior really need to go on a night hunt more often. Weak corpse like this won't kill them.' With a snap of his finger, the corpse stop moving.

"See no big deal."

The corpse begin to rush toward them, "No big deal?! Is moving again!" Jingyi shouted as all of the Junior start to panic even more.

As the corpse is heading toward them, a blue light took down all of the corpse in front of them.

"Thank you Hanguang Jun."

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian looked at each other, "how come I can't control them?" Then Wei Wuxian realize why, "that mean someone is controlling them." 'Someone must have their hand on my Yin Hufu, who could it be?'

Out of nowhere they all hear Jin Ling shouting, "There is more coming this way!" Jin Ling slashed the corpse in front of him, a powder came out from that corpse that Jin Ling just take down.

"Gross! What kind of smell is that?" Jingyi said while covering his nose.

"It have that bitter, sweet and rotten smell to it!"

The Junior start to cough one by one, "We need to leave from here," just as Wei Wuxian turn around to walk forward, someone is standing in front of him. 'Is that ghost mask man again.'

The mask man went forward, he reached for the Qiankun pouch in Wei Wuxian hand. He let go of it as he kicked the ghost mask man away from him. "Is not that ease to take this pouch you know."

Wei Wuxian turn around to look behind him hoping that Lan Wangji can hear him, "Oi! Lan Wangji! That ghost mask man is here!"

Lan Wangji throw his sword forward, the ghost mask man blocked with his own sword.Lan Wangji rush forward, he grabbed his sword and start to fight that mask man.

'This mask man level cultivation isn't that bad, but still, I shouldn't worry about Hanguang Jun, right?' "Hey Lan Wangji? Your not hurt are you?!" Wei Wuxian shouted into the fog.

Lan Wangji smile at this, 'he worry,' "of course I am not"

"So it seem," 'no need to worry Lan Wangji cultivation is much higher then this person,' the Junior behind him still coughing from the powder earlier. 'I need to help them to get rid of the corpse poison.'

Wei Wuxian take them to a place that still have people in it, this is the only way to find congee to help the Junior with the corpse poison.

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