Episode 2: Katrina's Future

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after they buy slushies they run into a fortune teller place and they enter. wow what a coincidence you wanted a fortune teller here is one right here Tyson said good its finally time to find out my future Katrina said. what brings you here fellows the fortune teller shouts. we are here to find out my pretty little future Katrina screams. alright it says here that in the future you will be married to a powerful bender and have a son the fortune teller whispers. wait hold on a son and married to a powerful bender Katrina said. who is this bender Tyson said. I cant see that far I dont know who it is but they are among the most powerful she said back. 

And what about her son "fortune Teller" Tyson said. his name is gonna be *ka* nope it cut out she said back. oh my god who is my son who will I be married too Katrina shouts.  I am not sure I cant go back into it she said back. wow unbelievable well there is no bender more powerful than me is there 'Tyson said. you may be able to bend all the elements but until you master them then no you are not The fortune teller said. 

well she does have a point there Tyson.W said. I guess lets just get out of here now Tyson said. on there way out a hooded figure jumps in front of them  the pull off the hood and ITS TARRLOK but unmasked!?! I need your help Tyson I really need your help He yells. Tyson stares at him with a angry face.

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