Short Episode 4: Man In The Fire

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*on the news*: There have been reports of people being burned nearly to death and some people have unfortunately died. wow must be a fire bender Tang said. except I looked more into it somehow the fire has not burned any buildings or floors how would a fire burn bodies but not even burn the ground Tyson explains. that kinda fire does not exist Tang said. exactly I think we should patrol the water tribe area Tyson said. also how does a fire like this even stay lit enough to become hot enough to burn a whole human being even though its like -60 out here we are in like the north pole Katrina said.  True This Cant be a real fire but we better look around and Investigate Tyson said. 

 Tyson walks to a Local bar and finds another dead burnt body but sees an actual fire but its not in its usual color. Why is this fire black he yells out. HELLO!! he shouts but nobody is around.  woah he yells. there is a giant skull looking face and is saying in Tenzins voice *you cant find me and I wont let you win EVER I will burn this world and all will pay* The fire vanishes.  

Tyson runs back home. Alright there was a black fire and Tenzin was talking out of it I swear on god Tyson yells. I think you were just seeing things because you miss Tenzin and your mind is trying to make you feel better Tang said. no but its true I know what I saw I saw a fire that killed somebody and it had a skull looking face and had Tenzins voice and Told me it would burn the world Tyson said. 

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