Episode 6: The Tsunami

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*the next morning* "alright I am gonna head out for a short morning walk" Tyson said. "alright  will see you after" Katrina said.  Tyson heads over to one of the water tribe villages. "hello guys do you know where to get more bandages for my face" Tyson asks.  "there is a pharmacy over there  but what a wicked and cool burn you got there" A villager said.  Tyson walks over to the pharmacy.  "so do you guys have any bandages I could use for my face or something" Tyson asks. "we do infact have some nice white soft bandages" the nurse said. "I will get those how much money would that be" Tyson asks. "just like 5 bucks and Ill give you a pack of 3 bandages" she said back. "alright here you go" Tyson said.  Tyson heads back home. 

"alright Tyson do you wanna go for dinner just as friends" Katrina asks. "alright I am good with that we can go to that weird new restaurant" Tyson said. "They head to the restaurant on a giant snow hill". alright what would you like this evening The waiter said. "I would like the chicken Parmesan" Katrina said. "I would like the same thing" Tyson said.     "Oh No Why is the ground shaking" Tyson yells. everyone is running and screaming out of the restaurant. "wow we gotta go check it out" Katrina said. They walk outside and see a giant wave in the ocean. "THERE IS A TSUNAMI VILLAGERS RUN!!" Tyson screams. 

Tyson runs up to the icy coast where the Tsunami  trys to waterbend it away. "its not working Katrina Its not working" Tyson said. she trys aswell "well its not working for me either Tyson" Katrina said. The both try and it slowly start pushing it away but not very fast. "Its kinda working but not fast enough" Tyson said.  "Its still coming a little bit faster its hard to bend it away" Tyson said. " we are not going to be able to stop it we need to go atop a mountain or something just any high ground" Katrina said. "alright we will go atop mount kuruk and get away Everyone run to mount kuruk and there will be a village past that" Tyson explains.  The begin the climb up the mountain and find some polar bears. "hey follow those bears they have the Avatar kuruk symbol that means they live on mount kuruk the will help us find the best place for hiding from the Tsunami" Tyson explains. "wait where is Tang Or Tyson.W" Katrina said. "They are behind us Katrina dont worry" Tyson hugs her.  "Thank you" she said back.  mhmmm Tyson mumbles. 

*30 minutes later* "Alright we are finally at the top of the mountain" Tyson said. "and we are at the kuruk village" Tang said. they enter the lodge to go to sleep and they had a very nice night. 

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