Episode 3: Friend Or Foe

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What the hell are you doing here Tarrlok You are lucky I dont kill you for what you have done Tyson shouts. I need your help now Tarrlok yells. I am sorry but I cant help you you have killed people and tried to kill me Tyson shouts. but you dont understand Adnan resurrected me and forced me to help him kill you Tarrlok shouts.  I dont really believe you Tarrlok not yet you need to earn our trust Katrina said. hold on Tarrlok I have to talk to the team in private Tyson shouts. the go hide around the corner. do you really trust him? Tyson.W asks. not as far as I can throw him Tyson said. they go back to Tarrlok. well why do you need my help anyway Tyson asks. 

I need you to destroy Adnan and save me and everyone Tarrlok yells. I cant kill him for to reasons I dont kill people and if I do it will kill you aswell the spell he put on your dead body will vanish and you will be erased from existence Tyson said. its not a life worth living working for someone like Adnan and plus I am a killer you cant trust me Tarrlok said. Is there anything else I can do for you Tarrlok Tyson asks. no I just need him to be gone Tarrlok said. well I am gonna get rid of Adnan but not for you but for the balance you guys are messing with Tyson said. 

    I am sorry to and Korra when I fought Korra I was a very bad man but when Adnan resurrected me I was fine until the rest of the spell Adnan did to me kicked in making me on his side but I somehow escaped Tarrlok explains. I dont know I dont think I can trust anyone outside our team right now Tyson said. also you kidnapped me Tarrlok well my other life but still me Tyson yells. 

but I have changed now I am reformed he is the one who sent me back to the life of crime Tarrlok explains. alright follow us back to the frozen hotel and meet in the room Katrina said. *back at the hotel*. 

Katrina and Tyson sneek off into The kitchen to talk. so what do you think friend or foe Katrina asks. I am not sure I still dont trust him after what guys like him have done Thoron is a big example of why we cant trust people like this Tyson said. we have to trust some people she said. 

I know but we cant trust everyone not everyone can help us with restoring honor and glory to the four nations and the world of the normal Tyson said. they go back to the living room where Tarrlok Tang and Tyson.W are. we have decided to give you a shot but the second you betray our trust we are giving you over to the regular humans Tyson said. alright deal Tarrlok and Tyson shake hands. alright well I am off to explore the land Tyson said. Katrina goes with Tyson and the bandage Tyson is wearing over his scar falls off damn it he said people of the water tribe scream: ZUKO ZUKO ZUKO. Tyson runs back to the hotel. uh guys my bandage fell off now the whole tribe knows I have a scar just like my great great great grandfather he said. 

well its not the end of the world at least you dont have to wear a ridiculous bandage anymore Katrina said. well I guess that makes sense Tang said back. well I dont like being called Zuko as an insult he started off evil but reformed Tyson said. sounds similar to our situation with Tarrlok started off evil turned good later on Tyson.W said. except we know zuko was good we dont know if this guy really has changed Tyson said. well we have to believe he can change cause if we dont believe in him then who will Katrina said.  well maybe Thoron Tyson said.  

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