Episode 5: The Warriors Of Kyoshi

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Wait where is pabbin your fire ferret Katrina said. I dont know wait I dont remember bringing him to the water tribe I think we left him at ba sing se I have to go back and get him Tyson yells. Tyson hops onto the flying bison and heads towards the earth kingdom again he lands down there. Tyson walks up to another guard.  um hello I know I have been banned from here for that fight and attack but I need to know where my fire ferret went Tyson said. I saw a group of weird females take a fire ferret yesterday the guard said back. well what did they look like dude Tyson said.

They had weird makeup and cool green robes the guard said. those must be the Kyoshi warriors Tyson said. I have to find where they went they took my ferret and clearly ran off Tyson said. they are at the island of Avatar Kyoshi the guard said. Tyson fly's over to the island and lands and sees the warriors training in a building.  Tyson walks in. hey do you girls know where my fire ferret went Tyson asks. yes but you must fight for him or else we are gonna keep it kyoshi general said. 

alright then lets do this Tyson said.  Tyson throws a big fire ball at them but they create a wall out of rock and block it away and then Tyson chucks a air slash pushing them back the fight stops. you are the avatar?!? She said. uh yeah I forgor to tell you that Tyson said. wow we are sorry take your fire ferret back now and leave if you wanna she said nervously. alright then I am gonna be on my way now back to the water tribe Tyson said.  alright guys I am back here now he shouts. oh you are back now Tang said. well we got some pizza and some pop to drink from a local shop Tyson.w said. alright good I am gonna go up stairs and check something out but I will be right back Tyson said. Tyson heads upstairs but here's Tenzins voice again * not a word my revenge will be swift and painless*. Tyson runs downstairs and rushes to the living room. uh I heard Tenzins voice again and there was that flame again in the bathroom while I was checking my scar Tyson said. 

alright thats a bit weird but maybe you are just suffering audiological hallucinations when you here things Katrina said. I am head ass I am dead serious I am not hearing things there is somebody around here something to do with that black flame Tyson said. 

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