Episode 20: Life And Death

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"finally you are home now Tyson its about time" Katrina said.  "we found Adnan's Staff around the village we can bring back anyone we ever wanted to and help anyone now" she said. Katrina raises the staff and it begins to glow.  "what the heck just happened" Tenzin said. "woah I just brought Tenzin back from the dead this staff really works" she said.  "what do you mean Back from the dead last thing I remember is standing infront of Thoron" Tenzin said. she holds the staff again and the goldbender returns. "what the hell is wrong with y'all and where is my gold I need my gold last thing I remember a weird black flamed creature came in and killed me but how am I back and WHERE IS MY GOLD" He said.

"I revived you using a staff from a villain like you but instead he has a staff that can bring back people from the dead" she said. "I dont believe you I cant trust any of you idiots I need my gold back" he said. he bends a gold watch and it smacks into Katrina's face and bruzes her face. Tyson walks back into the hotel. "what the hell happend well I was gone why are you here goldbender and how is Tenzin back" He said. "oh Tyson I used the staff from Adnan that I found somewhere in the village" she said. 

"well just get the hell out of here goldbender well I figure this out wait a minute the spell the spell that the master healer put on the staff is still on there that means you brought back Tenzin and the goldbender back permanently only one of those is a good thing" Tyson explains. 

The staff begins to glow again like before. and Adnan returns. "what are you doing with my staff Katrina that belongs to me" he said. "oh crap I did not mean to bring back Adnan it was an accident I never even tried to use it this time" Katrina said. "give it back to me now or I swear to god you will pay" he said. "or what you arent even a bender you have got nothing your nothing without the staff" she said. 

Tenzin airbends Adnan out the door and he goes slamming into a snow bank.  "seems like you got some friends since the last time I saw you" he said. "yeah Tenzin its been awhile a lot of stuff has happend since the last time I saw you too Tenzin" Tyson said. "wait where did that goldbender go Tyson he was just in here where did he go" Tenzin yells. "ah whatever Ill catch his ass later anyway it doesn't matter anymore" Tyson said. "I have an idea of how to stop deathslayer Tyson we can spiritbend the black flame spirit out of your father but I am not as good at spiritbending as most masters are you are gonna have to go out and find a master and train with him for a little bit" Katrina explains. "who or what is a deathslayer sounds kinda cool" Tenzin said. "just another fool we have to take care of but Tenzin you should probably sleep now though get some rest since you were just resurrected" Tyson said. They all head to bed Tenzin sleeps on the couch.   

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