Episode 23: Avatar Tyson Vs DeathSlayer Part 2

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Tyson Heads back to the hotel. "I need to find where deathslayer hides and end this battle once and for all guys this ends today" he said. "where are you gonna look like how will we find him" Tang said.  "not we I am gonna have to do this on my own I cant risk any of you guys dying because of me I just cant risk it" he said. "Maybe we can lure him somewhere some how and then you can fight him alone if thats what you wanna do" Tyson.W said. "its not about what I want I am the avatar its my job to protect the people especially the people I care about" Tyson said. 

 "I just need a way to get him to follow me somewhere maybe if I create a device that can contain something he needs or wants" he said. "maybe you can put some uh maybe this" Tang said. he slices Tysons arm  a little bit and grabs a chunk of skin and shoves it into the item tracker. "now we can use your DNA to find your father who has the same DNA as you" Tang said. "next time tell me you are gonna slice my arm please" He said *Tyson Laughs*.

"uh yeah I guess so I probably should have asked but there is a signal on the tracker it must lead to deathslayer's location Tyson take the tracker and  go find him" Tang said.  Tyson follows the tracker he walks though the village an past a mountain. than climbs the next mountain and enters the cave at the top and sees a throne with a blue fire nation symbol on the front and a figure is sitting on it they pull off there hood. "Mom?! is that you on there what the hell are you"  doing on there" he asks.  "I am but I am not I am death if you can remember I can turn into the people who have died in your life I can smell your grief your fear even if your family member died along time ago there is always the small morsel of grief behind no matter what" deathslayer explains. 

Tyson throws a fire ball at deathslayer and he flies back through the throne breaking through it than Deathslayer gets up . "you can not stop me your elements can stop a spirit nothing can kill me I am death I am deathslayer and I am your END" he shouts. deathslayer flies out of his base and Tyson chases him and uses rocket hands again to chase him.  the fly down to the train station. 

"this is it you are not getting away now LETS FIGHT" he shouts. they fly on to a train and the train begins to move. Tyson throws a fire ball at deathslayer and knocks him back a little bit and then they both shoot fire beams at each other and the fire slams together and then they fall onto the moving train. they slam into the train and Tyson falls onto a basket of cabbages inside the train cart. "No My Cabbages!!!" a man in the train said. than they fly above the train and land on top again Tyson throws water and fire at him knocking him onto the train again. "just give up Deathslayer just give it up you wont get away with what you have done You KILLED my Mother" Tyson shouts. Tyson throws a boulder at at deathslayer knocking him off the train and Tyson goes after him and lands on the ground where deathslayer fell. 

Tyson spiritbends the deathslayer spirit out of his father and the spirit is whimpering. "nahhhhoooooo nahhhhhoooo let me go" the black flame yells.  Tyson spiritbends deathslayer into a portal he created using spiritbending and shoves him back into the spirit world where he came from. 

Tyson's father is now on the ground. he opens his eyes while being on the ground. "Tyson I forgive you for my death I now realize how important these friends are to you I am sorry I am deeply sorry for what I did to ba sing se I love you son congrats on being the fire lord son" his father explains.  Tyson goes onto his knees crying while Tai's body begins to turn into fire and fade away. than the rest of the team comes up to Tyson. "we are so sorry about your father" Katrina said. "yeah we are sorry Tyson we knew he loved you all this time even through evil and hate" Tang and Tyson.W said. Katrina hugs Tyson and then they head to the hotel. 

"I can not believe he is really gone now I thought maybe my spiritbending could save my father" Tyson said.  "I was thinking maybe we should live in the fire nation for a while since thats what my father would have wanted me to do. he said. "yeah we should if its what he would have wanted" Katrina said.  They head onto the flying bison and travel to the fire nation. 

They land at the fire nation gates and head inside the temple.



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