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"embrace the flame" Dark Tyson said.  he walks down the stairs and heads for the fridge to grab some pancake mix for breakfast and grabs so syrup to go on top of the food. and sits down in the living room watching the water tribe local news.  Katrina walks up to Tyson and sits on the couch.  "so what are we gonna do today get into more trouble I assume" Katrina said.  "nope I am the trouble and its coming real soon" Dark Tyson said.  "what do you mean by that" Katrina said.  Tyson throws a blue fire ball Katrina doges it but it breaks a 250$ TV. "what the hell is wrong with you Tyson" she yells. 

Katrina water whips Tyson and he goes flying into the kitchen table breaking it. "I know your future I never told you but I can see all your memory's and your future ones too mwhaahaa haa haaa" Dark Tyson said. "you are  talking though him arent you deathslayer" she said back.  "finally you understand I can not let you live what your future offspring give to the world is to dangerous" he said back. 

"FUTURE OFFSPRING?!" she screams. "damn I have already said to much but it is time for you to DIE!!!" he screams. throwing blue fire balls everywhere at her. "I need this body its mine now and all of you will bow to the new god of death" he said.  "I have to believe Tai is in there somewhere" she yells. Katrina throws another water whip slamming him into a wall. "Fire lord Tai is dead DeathSlayer is BORN" Dark Tyson said. *evil laugh*  "I know something you don't fool" he said. Tang and Tyson.W walk back in. "this is why I love this team" Tang shouts "I never knew you loved this team" Tyson.W said.  "I love nothing fools I love vengeance and hatred" Dark Tyson said. 

Dark Tyson throws blue fire whips at all of them sending them flying out of the hotel and smashing into a snow bank. "brrrrrrr brrrrrrrrr brrrrrrr why is it so frickin cold out here" Tang said.  they run back into the hotel "I know something you do not Deathslayer" she said. Katrina spirit bends Deathslayers connection out of Tysons body. Tyson falls to the floor and Katrina lifts him and places him onto the couch where she begins to heal him. on the broken TV on the floor shows the news  water tribe news anchor: there is a earthbender attacking local banks while bending  gold and riches.

Tyson The Last Avatar Book Three: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now