Episode 9: Tragedy

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" also the black flame seems to try to pretend to be a past family member of my or friend usually a dead family member or friend" Tyson said.  "yeah and thats why we need to find out who or what it is and when it was created" Tang said. "the flame told me that he was created somewhere where I have been before" Tyson explains.  "so we need to back track to the places you have been and find out clues to how that flame was created" Katrina said.  "yeah but there is a lot of places I have been before that would take forever" Tyson said. 

"Alright I am gonna take the flying bison back to the fire nation with me so I can try and find some clues myself" Tyson yells. "alright then see you after you return then Tyson" Tyson.W said. Tyson hops onto his flying bison and starts to fly twords the fire nation again. * 10 hours later* Tyson returns to the fire nation once again and meets a guard outside the palace walls. "its the man who killed Fire lord Tai seize him guards get him now" The guard yells. Tyson throws a fire ball at the army of guards and two of them go flying over the wall then Tyson fire kicks the main guard at the wall and he slams through the door. "well I would have asked nicely but I dont have the time so goodbye losers!!" Tyson screams. 

Tyson walks around the palace but finds nothing then he enters the fire palace and he finds an old note book of chores Tyson used to do as kids. "wow I was so selfish and he cared about me and I screwed him over" Tyson said. *wipes tears*  Tyson leaves because there is no clues in there. Then Tyson hops back onto the flying bison and fly's towards Ba sing se. *6 hours later he lands at ba sing se this time past the wall so he does not have to hurt anyone this time. "alright then finally here" Tyson said. *pets the flying bison* Tyson heads to the place where he fought his father and burned him.  the black flame appears. "finally you know I AM YOUR FATHER REBORN MWHAHAHAHA finally I have your right where I NEED YOU NO FRIENDS NO FAMILY ALL ALONE" The flame screams.  

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