Episode 22: Avatar Tyson Vs. DeathSlayer Part 1

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Deathslayer flies away from Tyson. "your not getting away this time not after what you've  done" he said. Tyson uses firebending to create Rocket hands and flies off to chase deathslayer. while they are flying Tyson chucks some fireballs at Deathslayer making him lose his balance almost falling. "your fire cant hurt me avatar I am death I wont die nothing can stop me" he said. "well I wasn't planing on killing you anyway anymore" Tyson said.  "brave move but if your not even gonna try then this fight means nothing to me" Deathslayer said.  Tyson flies closer to deathslayer and then punches him sending both of them down to the ground.  Tyson groaning from mild injury's due to them not falling very fast to the ground meaning less pain. 

 "my plan is to save my father from your grasp" he said. "oh there is nothing you can do fool I have his soul his memory his power and I am not letting go" deathslayer said.  "then I will pull you away from him I would rather him die than for him to stay you" Tyson said. Deathslayer flies away and Tyson flies after him again. "I will get away and after you wont find me again until I am ready avatar" he said. 

"I am gonna get you and you wont get away not this time you cant run away forever" Tyson said. Tyson keeps chasing deathslayer throwing water and fire at him trying to knock him out of the air but he keeps missing and it never hits deathslayer. "You cant beat me I am infinite I am death I am DEATHSLAYER" he yells.  Tyson knocks deathslayer down again he falls onto a grass field trembling. "Alright thats enough deathslayer I have had it with you its time for you to return to the spirit world again" he said. 

  "I wont be alone again I wont be abandoned the light spirit has left me in there TOO LONG I wont go back and everyone you have ever known will die EVERYONE" Deathslayer explains. "maybe if you haven't wanted to kill everyone I have ever known then I wouldn't send you back but its too late you are going home" he said. "this is my home Tai is my home he Is mine now I wont give up until you die my will is stronger than yours I am going to leave and I wont return not until I am ready" Deathslayer said.  Deathslayer fades off to ???. and Tyson heads back to the hotel where the team are. 

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