CHAPTER 4| Uninvited guest...... sort of

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Lixue was awoken by the vicious pounding of his head. His body ached all over. His eyes took some time adjusting to the blinding rays that emitted from the sun.

He could hear a lot of movement. The hustling and bustling of a crowd. The moving of carriages and the jumbled up voices of people.

Where was he?

And coming to think of it what exactly happened to him for him to fell like he was better off without his head or whole body in general which he knew didn't make any sense but could you really blame him? The pain was really intense.

He now, after getting some of his senses back could feel movement,as if he was on something or in this case someone. He moved his head off the back he was previously resting on to find out what exactly was going on.

He gasped, mind blown away by what he saw. They were in a city,no Nuoding City. Yes! he was sure they  were in Nuoding City, the city where Tangsan was. The city which could reunite with his best friend. He found himself smiling as his inside began to swirl with so much excitement.

That of course died down when he thought about his situation. Who exactly was carrying him and how did they even meet.

"You're awake, good. Now could you get off me if you're done sight seeing." The voice..... that voice sounded familiar. Wasn't that Ji?

And just like that, reality did the thing it seemed to do often nowadays which was to slap the white haired boy in the face.

The night before. The wolfs. He seeing Ji and said Ji almost being shredded to pieces by said wolfs. He coming back to help him and then blank. He remembered it all or at least up to where he blacked out.

How where they even here? How did they escape the wolfs? What exactly happened that night? Was he...........

"You know,I carried you from the forest to this city and not once did I take a break. So if you don't mind I would be really happy if you could climb off my back." His train of thought were interrupted by Ji. Without even seeing his face he could tell that he was anger. The waves of the past came flooding into his mind as he was reminded of who Ji really was. With a jolt he was of his back, stepping a few feet away from his former bully.

Ji who was surprised by this didn't have time to react as he went stumbling down onto ground due to the stunt pulled by Lixue.

His anger boiled at that. Ji was never the type to let what he felt be hidden, he rather lets it out, which of course got him into trouble a lot. So it wasn't really much of a surprise when he turned towards Lixue,his hand boiled into a fist ever ready to hit his target.

He, however stopped when he was met with the scared face of the white haired boy. He could see the fear in the younger boys eyes and it made him sick. Was that really what he became?

A monster!

Did Lixue really fear him that much. He straighten up clearing his throat as he was about to speak.

"Look..... Lixue,I'm..s .... so sor.... so..... " He took a deep breath. He was never really good with apologies. Here's goes nothing.

"I'm sorry for trying to punch you just now and while we are at it I am also sorry about the way I treated you in the past and seeing you save me even though you could have ran away but you didn't and after everything I did you still help me out. I know I can't rewrite what I did in the past, because as amateur as it was I really didn't like how soft you where so I thought of toughening you the only way I knew how. I wanted you to be able to stand up for yourself but I do realize now that my methods where a bit drastic and uncalled for, but I hope you can forgive me.... for everything. I know you may not understand and I don't intend for you too. I also want it to be known that I was kicked out of my home for not being able to become a Soul Master,so that's all I guess...."

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