CHAPTER 16| Assaulted

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Masters Training were brutal as always, but Lixue wasn't really surprised. Making them spare with each other and carrying bags of rocks on their backs while moving around the city for 10 times in a row, Tangsan having to go twelve times wasn't a joke. It was really painful but it really had it's benefits. Like how their physical endurance had improved and also their soul level.

Master had actually made them become closer as a team and even closer friends,and three months later they were now on holidays.

"Training is done. Soul honor is registered. Finally we are on holidays." Oscar let out an exhausted sighed as he made contact with his bed moment after he and Tangsan had entered their room.

Tangsan just walked to a box that was placed on the counter near his bed. Iron tiger and Iron Dragon had brought it to him as a gift after he saved their lives.

Miraculous Attack. Black tightening crossbow. In just three months, most of the machine parts of the secret weapons are done. The craft of Iron Brothers is indeed satisfying. Next I will just assemble and give them to everyone and teach them how to use it.

His line of thoughts were interrupted when someone banged the door open waking up a sleeping Oscar in the process. The person was non other than Fatty, who was really beaten up really badly. His face full of purple red bruises. The young fire attribute soul master looked about ready to pass out as he walked into the room.

"Wow who is this? Why do you have a pig head?" With sleepiness still in his system Oscar stupidly asked before rubbing his eyes finally seeing who it really was. "Fatty!"

"Oscar get serious." Tangsan helped fatty to sit down, giving him a cup of water as Oscar made a super recovery sausage giving it to the beaten up boy.

"Detestable, that rotter!" Anger filled his voice where he spoke. What exactly had happened to him,for him to turn up like this.

"Who hit you?" Fatty lowered his head at the question, responding in a low voice. "I was hit by a wretched man. It was so embarrassing."

"Fatty were you fighting someone over a woman. That's why you were hit right?" No one knew were Oscar got that idea from but it got fatty angry. "What are you saying? I was just helping someone in need of justice."

Just then Mu Bai and Ji walked passed the open door talking about Lixue and his sudden strange behavior only to stop all at once when they saw Fatty.

"Fatty what happened to you." They asked clearly shocked to see just how badly swollen the fat boy's face was.

"Boss Dai, Brother Ji you have to help me get justice. Look at how my handsome face distorted." Oscar let out a laugh but shut his mouth the moment Ji glared at him. Ji was anger about the whole the whole thing. It reminded him of how he used to beat up Lixue and the pain he caused his younger brother. How he was a monster back then..

"Who did this to you? Tell as what happened." His voice was so calm yet serious asking the question. Tangsan placed a hand on his older brothers shoulder indicating the fearful faces of everyone else in the room. Taking deep breaths he calmed himself still looking at Fatty to explain what had happened. After getting to know who it was that did it and we're exactly it happened Ji's eyes turned from serious to fearful.

"We have to go, immediately!" Moving out of the door to everyone confusion but they followed non the less. Tangsan had a very sick feeling in his stomach as well, not really liking what was roaming through his mind at that moment.

"Hurry we have to get there fast, Lixue is in trouble." Ji exclaimed,the others going stiff after that and the sick feeling also intensifying at that finally noticing that he hadn't seen his boyfriend for the whole day.

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