CHAPTER 11| Seven Years Later

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Seven years went by in a blink of an eye. Many things had happened to the quad,their bonds becoming stronger with one another. They had now grown into fine young people.

As the years passed by, Lixue seemed to grow more beautiful with each day that passed and it really showed with the suitors he constantly had to keep at bay sometimes his boyfriend needing to come in to let them know he was taken.

His hair now reached his keens. He had also become a mini fashionista, making of clothes so uncommon or even unknown to their world. He was even the one that made all their clothes for them as they grew up,Tangsan and Ji 's on a daily basis since the two of them grew really fast.  He had also become more out spoken finally being able to live a normal life with his siblings and partner. He had also improved in terms of combat and had made his own fighting style. He had also mastered Wu's Rou Skill and when the two of them combined this said skill......... let's not say what happens to their opponents.

Ji had also changed both in appearance and attitude, although not a lot in terms of the latter but he had still changed. He had become really tall and was more mascular than any of them,he had also become quite handsome and knew it, always trying to flirt with other girls to make Wu jealous, which never ended well for him. He had managed to solve his quick temper problem too, but that quickly disappears when Wu is hurt by someone. He had also become very calm and level headed thanks to spending a lot of time with Tangsan when they were forging  hidden weapons. Wu seemed to bring out the best and worse qualities out of him as his calm nature disappears when Wu is hurt or injured by someone or giving it his all to protect Wu. He once, single handedly, killed a eight hundred and fifty six year old Green armoured lizard soul beast that had scratched Wu with it's talon. He then was forced to absorb the spirit ring by not only Lixue but also Wu not wanting to waste the ring of the precious creature. Ji couldn't refuse the girl even if he wanted to,so he did what she asked of him.

Lixue and  Ji were now okay with each other, forgetting about the past and everything that happened between them. Ji acted like an older brother to Lixue so much so that he and Wu had threatened Tangsan that if he ever hurt Lixue, they were going to kill him. Literally.

Wu hadn't changed at all,her happy go lucky personally even rubbing of on Lixue even though the boy still somehow managed to be the mature one among the two. Wu had made great progress in her leveling as well. She had also become very beautiful and when the two of them were seen in Nuoding Academy they were the envy of everyone.

Tangsan and Ji's rivalry was also amusing. They were at first awkward with each other not knowing how to relate but after some spending time with each other,they become friends, brothers even. Tangsan had to admit that Ji wasn't really a bad guy just someone trying to cope with the neglect he was shown by his parents. That was a bonus to Ji since he and Tangsan had similar problems.

Tangsan and Lixue must be the biggest idiots in the whole Douluo Continent. Even though they were engaged, which was blessed upon by the late Old jack and Yu Xiaogang ( Thier teacher),they still acted like shy teenagers in front of each other, which they were.

Tangsan had also really not changed that much after all these years. The only noticable ones being the way he was more out spoken about and ready to defend his relationship with Lixue,and also him going completely crazy when Lixue is hurt...... Like he once sent a boy to the hospital for purposely using his spirit to send Lixue into a poisonous tree when they were sparing with their Martial Spirits. Many people feared him after that and didn't bother Lixue anymore.

Ji was fourteen, Tangsan and Wu being Thirteen and Lixue being twelve.

The four of them could now be seen walking in Suo Tuo city of the Tian Dou Empire,Barak Kingdom.

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