CHAPTER 15| Understanding

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A very anger Lixue walked with the group back to the school. They had just been in Star Duo Forest to gain a soul ring for Oscar and Lixue but during that time Tangsan,Wu and Ji had also reached level thirty.

Lixue and Wu were then captured by a Titan Giant Ape, which was actually their friend.

Lixue had knew Wu was a soul beast in human form for a long time. Even though he found out by accident when he discovered her obtaining her second soul ring. She had,at that time, cried profusely for him to not kill her to which little Lixue was confused about.

That was how he got to know about Wu's past and him promising to keep her secret. They visited her home every once in awhile and Lixue got a costumed to her soul beast roots. He even found the courage to tell Wu about his ability to talk and understand animals and how he could sense them calling him whenever they were dying and thus getting soul ring that were willing given to him.

"Er Ming I know you miss as  but you can't just do that. I know you thought that we were in danger but you can't do that to our friends." Wu scolded the Titan Ape as he let them out of his hand.

"Wu, don't scold him. He was trying to protect as. Er Ming is Da Ming alright" Lixue asked the Titan Giant Ape who nodded his head. Lixue then turned to Wu as he spoke.

" And look at the bright side we can get our soul rings in peace without anybody seeing as." Lixue pointed out, although he voice did give off his sad mood.

"You can feel it again, can't you?" Wu asked him. Lixue nodding his head in confirmation with a pained look on his face.

It always hurt when this time came because he had to find an animal that was hurt or dying and he wasn't even there to help it but absorb it's ring. It made him feel like a hypocrite and worse than anyone who killed a soul beast, but he couldn't control it. If he didn't go to the animal then the  feeling of sadness and loneliness in his heart would intensify till the point were he would break down.qàpp

"I going to find it, you obtain your soul ring while Er Ming guards you okay." Wu couldn't really say anything as she saw him leave. Why was she hiding what she knew he really was from him. She wasn't dumb,she could sense the strong energy that Lixue emitted and she feared for him. Lixue didn't even seem to know it himself and that made everything much worse, but she wasn't going to loss him like she did her mother. This time she would be the one protecting and not the other way around.

They managed to obtain their soul rings, each gaining a purple one. After that they cooked up a story that they told the others when they returned which the group luckily believed without question.

He also found out that Tangsan had dueled with the girl they met earlier with her grandparents and that she kissed him.

Lixue however wasn't anger because of that he was anger because Tangsan decided to gamble with his life by absorbing  the soul ring of an almost Two Thousand year old Human Faced Demon Spider even though he knew that the limit for his third soul ring was at One thousand and seven hundred years.

"You're really not talking to him Lixue." Mu Bai asked him as they had finally entered their room. Lixue only sighed finally letting out a word since leaving the forest.

"I know it sounds silly, but Tangsan can really be reckless sometimes. I just don't know what to do for him to stop jumping into reckless dangers when he thinks I'm in danger." Lixue expressed his worries to his friend as he fell flat on his bed.

" Lixue, Tangsan loves you and he has shown it a lot of times. Do you even know what he did to Mr. Zhao? He just wants to keep you safe." Mu Bai told the boy who had his face currently buried in his pillow.

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