CHAPTER 19| Healing & First Date......?

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Things were a little weird during the past few days but eventually Lixue gradually came back to his normal self or well as normal as someone who had been through what he had could be. He still flinched when someone tried to touch him or got jumpy when there was a loud noise, mostly due to Oscar and Fatty. But all in all he was okay. 
"I'm really sorry for worrying you..... all of you like that." His apologize was accepted very quickly, everyone  understanding what the boy that sat infront of them had go

"It's okay Lixue. We're just glad that you're okay." Tangsan reassured him still standing a great distance from him.

He knew he had to give Lixue some space to fully recover and that was what he would do even if he hurt him not being able to touch the boy or comfort him like he usually did.
"Lili how are you feeling?" Micax asked using the nickname he always used for his nephew when entering the room and immediately going to the bedside of the white haired boy, not caring about the people in the room as he checked on the boy.

His hand on Lixue cheeks moving it around and scolding him for being too skinny since he hadn't eaten or taken in water for a whole three good weeks. How could anyone survive that. Lixue just blushed being embarrassed by his uncle's fussing over him like he was a baby.

"Uncle Micax!, everyone is looking." He tried to stop the man child but it only seemed to encourage the fire elemental soul master. "So what. You're my baby and you need to be shown all the love in the world. Besides Qing spoils you more than I do."   

Lixue blush darkened as everyone was starting at them and why did he have to bring uncle Qing into this. He  just sighed in relief when his father came in to put a stop to his uncle's overprotective yet loving nature.

"Micax has the ice been cleared." Master asked him, the young man nodding his head. The room Lixue was found in was a frozen dream land and it was really difficult for Micax to thaw it out, actually taking him two hours. Just what exactly was in that ice?

"Good. Now you all must listen to me. With the battles that are coming up in Suo Tuo Arena soon. You will all have to participate and it doesn't matter if you win or lose but you have to battle twice a day. You will also be performing in group battles and you must all earn a sliver badge, that will end the phase of your second training. I know that because of some unforseen circumstances we have all been through a lot but your training must continue." He spoke firmly. Oscar looked considered at that.

"Master, Rong Rong and I are soul masters from Assisting branch. Do we have to gain sliver badges as well." Master kept quite for a good while before speaking again.       

"You both have two options then. First you can go back to training the way we used to...." Everyone secretly whined when hearing that. It was clear that non of them liked the first option and all hopes hanging on the second one.  

"......... Or you can have Lixue train you in self defense and hand to hand combat. Before he knew what his martial soul could actually do he was always supporting the others, putting shields up and helping them increase their speed. He is the best candidate to help you." The two auxiliary soul masters literally tackled the boy on his bed, not wanting to go back to the old the old training methods.

"Lixue please don't let as do that again." Oscar pleaded with Rong Rong nodding her head in approval. The boy in question looked prettified and lost of words. "Ummm..... sure, I would love to help you."   
The two beamed thanking the boy who only blushed more from the amount of attention he got. He wasn't really someone who loved being the center of attention so his current situation was a bit overwhelming for him.

"Lixue, you are currently far behind everyone else in terms of cultivation and Zhu Zhu Qing,Rong Rong and Ma Hong Jun (Fatty) are catching up fast. Are you ready to begin?" Master's voice was stern but it wasn't too overbearing and Lixue understood his father. He couldn't just sit around locked in a room crying all day. The only way to ensure that something like that never happened to him again was to get stronger.

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